Water restrictions now in effect in Pāuanui

File photo. SunLive.

A Total Watering Ban is in place in Pāuanui, Coromandel.

"Due to heavy demand in Pāuanui over the last three days and the need to clean process filters following the recent storms we need to implement Level 4 Water Restrictions – Total Watering Ban immediately to allow the reservoir levels to recover," says a Thames Coromandely DIstrict Council spokesperson. What does a Level 4 water restriction mean? Hand-held hoses, unattended hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems are not permitted at any time.

This includes a ban on watering lawns and gardens, washing cars, boats, houses and decks, filling paddling pools and playing under sprinklers.

Essential watering of plants, such as vegetable gardens using a hand-held watering can is permitted.

Why are there water restrictions across Coromandel?

Due to the influx of people in the townships, water demand across the Coromandel is high.

"This seasonal influx puts additional load on our water supply systems, with all parts of the system needing to work together to supply ample water for our residents.

"Conserving water where possible allows us to keep up with the increased demand during summer."

“We are in for a long hot summer, and being conscious about water conservation is so important” says Civil Defence Controller Garry Towler.

“We need to make sure we have enough water to supply our increased population during this time, as well as maintain enough reserves in case of an emergency such as a fire.”

Water restrictions are often utilised by towns and cities across the country during this time of year, and residents and visitors to the Coromandel are asked to comply with the water restrictions for the good of the community.


Current Water Restrictions

Coromandel Town area: Level - 3 ALTERNATE DAYS - Hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems can only be used on alternate days. If your address is an even number you can use your hose on even-numbered days of the month, and vice-versa for odd-numbered houses.

Matarangi: Level - 1 NO RESTRICTIONS - No official restrictions on water use, but water is a precious resource. Please be mindful of water use regardless.

Whitianga: Level - 3 ALTERNATE DAYS - Hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems can only be used on alternate days. If your address is an even number you can use your hose on even-numbered days of the month, and vice-versa for odd-numbered houses.

Hāhei: Level - 3 ALTERNATE DAYS - Hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems can only be used on alternate days. If your address is an even number you can use your hose on even-numbered days of the month, and vice-versa for odd-numbered houses.

Tairua: Level - 1 NO RESTRICTIONS - No official restrictions on water use, but water is a precious resource. Please be mindful of water use regardless.

Pāuanui: LEVEL 4 -  WATERING BAN - Hand-held hoses, unattended hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems are not permitted at any time. This includes a ban on watering lawns and gardens, washing cars, boats, houses and decks, filling paddling pools and playing under sprinklers. Essential watering of plants, such as vegetable gardens using a hand-held watering can is permitted.

Whangamatā: Level - 1 NO RESTRICTIONS - No official restrictions on water use, but water is a precious resource. Please be mindful of water use regardless.

Onemana: Level - 3 ALTERNATE DAYS - Hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems can only be used on alternate days. If your address is an even number you can use your hose on even-numbered days of the month, and vice-versa for odd-numbered houses.

Thames: Level - 1 NO RESTRICTIONS - No official restrictions on water use, but water is a precious resource. Please be mindful of water use regardless.

Thames Valley: Level - 5 WATERING BAN - Hand-held hoses, unattended hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems are not permitted at any time. This includes a ban on watering lawns and gardens, washing cars, boats, houses and decks, filling paddling pools and playing under sprinklers. Essential watering of plants, such as vegetable gardens, using a hand-held watering can is permitted. 

Keep connected:  Thames-Coromandel District Council Facebook, and listen to your local radio station. Find out more at www.tcdc.govt.nz/waterrestrictions.


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