Missing Coromandel boat set for salvage

Betty G, found on the East Coast after going missing earlier this month. Photo: Coromandel's CFM Facebook.

Salvaging the Betty G, the 12 metre launch which after losing its skipper overboard earlier this month, is expected to get underway today.

The boat went missing off the Coromandel coast after Cambridge man Will Fransen, 61, had hooked what he thought was a marlin and fallen overboard near the Aldermen Islands during a solo fishing trip on January 3.

He spent 23.5 hours in the sea before being pulled to safety.

The boat was found on an East Cape Beach on Sunday, January 14.

Waihau Bay Sport Fishing Club secretary and local Coastguard member, Christine Elmiger, told CFM the boat was high and dry on the beach and secure.

She says it was spotted from a house, still floating around noon in an isolated area. It washed ashore slightly afterwards, in excellent condition.

Christine says the boat will have to be towed back out to sea as no land removal could be achieved.

Will Fransen, 61, of Cambridge, was the fisherman rescued after spending 23.5 hours in the ocean off the Coromandel coast. He had hooked what he thought was a marlin and toppled off the boat, which idled away out of reach. Photo supplied.

An inspection of the boat revealed that the rod Will had hooked the marlin on, was still in its holder and all other gear appeared in place.

Peter Wykes of Tairua, a friend of Wills gave CFM his thoughts.


The Betty G is a bit of an icon for Tairua, as it was built by Russell George – a labour of love which lasted 13 years in his driveway.

Named after his wife Betty, the couple sold the boat to Will, but still retained close ties with the launch, he did come round and tell the couple about the accident. Betty provides her thoughts.


-John Freer/CFM.

1 comment


Posted on 16-01-2024 09:39 | By Yadick

Happy ending. Shame he didn't have his trawling lines set . . .
Great News.

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