Search persists for children missing for two years

Tom Phillips and his three young children, Jayda, Maverick, and Ember, 5, have not been seen since December 2022. Photo: RNZ.

"The investigation team working on this case have one focus – to bring Ember, Maverick and Jayda home."

That is the message from acting Detective Inspector Andrew Saunders in relation to the disappearance of Tom Saunders and his children.

Jayda, Maverick and Ember Phillips haven't been since December 9, 2021, when their father Tom Phillips disappeared with them for a second time.

"We believe Tom and the children are hiding out in Western Waikato within Marokopa or the surrounding areas," says Andrew.

"Although the environment is challenging for investigators, we continue to devote resources to this operation and follow up on all reported sightings.

"We continue to review existing evidence and new information, and appeal to the community to pass on any details that could help the three children be reunited with their family."

At this time, there is no plan to offer a reward, says Andrew.

"While we cannot comment on speculation about any assistance or support Phillips may be receiving, or rumours around the Te Kuiti bank robbery and who the possible accomplice could be, we have previously confirmed that Phillips is the suspect of the attempted burglary of the Piopio superette store.

"Tom Phillips faces charges in relation to aggravated robbery, aggravated wounding, and unlawful possession of a firearm.

"Police consider him to be armed and he should not be approached."

Sightings of Phillips should be reported to Police by calling 111 immediately, says Andrew.

Information after the fact can be passed on by calling 105, or making a report online at, clicking “Update Report”.

Please reference the file number 230516/7295.

Alternatively, you can contact Police via the dedicated email address – 

Information can also be provided anonymously to CrimeStoppers by calling 0800 555 111.



Posted on 23-01-2024 15:05 | By Bruja

Has ANYONE given ANY reason for why he considers he HAS to do this. Not once.
I 'speculate' because NO ONE WILL SPEAK UP, that he has been FORCED to this for his kid's well-being and the kids ARE united with their family, each other and their Dad.
I smell a very very very large rat and have done since the beginning. This is not a man who would have done this by choice I'll bet.

Here's an opportunity TVNZ.

Posted on 23-01-2024 18:14 | By Justin T.

How's about making a mini series and bring in SAS Trackers and/ or specialist Bounty Hunters. Turn it into NZ's version of "Hunted".

@ Bruja

Posted on 23-01-2024 22:42 | By Yadick

Totally agree with you. Apart from not appearing in Court what exactly has this man done wrong. NOTHING is proved it was him. Not even the vehicle on the beach. Was it stolen and ditched there? As Bruja eludes to, there's 2 sides to EVERY story. I'm totally with you on this Bruja. At this stage I believe this man is not guilty apart from not appearing in Court when summoned to do do. I will also stand happily (but sadly) corrected if I am wrong.

Considering the aggravation this man...

Posted on 24-01-2024 12:21 | By morepork

... has taken on, I think we can reasonably assume he had no other options that were acceptable. I can't imagine a father willingly setting up life for his kids as fugitives, unless there was a very compelling reason. The fact that they haven't been found, makes me think they are no longer in NZ. I hope the kids are fine and that there will eventually be explanation.

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