Teens buying vapes online with tick box

A 14-year-old boy was able to buy vape products online. Photo: Stuff.

A mother is concerned it’s too easy for teenagers to get their hands on vapes after her 14-year-old was able to buy $140 worth online.

While it’s illegal for a retailer to sell vaping products to anyone under the age of 18, Ashley Hendy says by simply ticking a box on a website, underage teens can get vapes delivered.

Ashley says she’d had issues with her son vaping before the online order and he’d been stood down from school over it, but she’d believed he’d stopped.

“My son knows he’s not allowed to vape and we’ve confiscated vapes from him in the past.

“He’d been working during the holidays and must’ve been saving up his money for this.”

Ashley says her son spent $140 on vapes from Shosha online, which she only found out about after a call from one of his friend’s grandmothers.

“She told me a package for my son was delivered to their house. I went to pick it up and noticed there was an 18+ sticker on it, so I opened it to see what he could possibly be buying and found it was full of vapes.”

A box had to be ticked confirming the customer was over 18 on the website. Photo: File.

Ashley says she immediately got in touch with Shosha to get an explanation on how a 14-year-old was able to get 18+ products delivered and see if a refund was possible.

Emails sent to Ashley from Shosha’s customer support says they would refund the cost of the products but not the shipping and advised anyone who entered the site would get a message warning the products contained nicotine and were only suitable for people over 18.

Customers had to tick a box confirming they were over 18, and a similar notification popped up a second time as customer’s were checking out.

“These boxes were ticked,” Shosha says, “he agreed he was 18+ when entering our website.”

“If the customer provided the wrong information and entered the site illegally, we reserve the right to take legal action against you and seek compensation for any loss or damage,” the email told Ashley.

“All parcels have an 18+ sticker and a signature is required. ID checks have to be carried out by NZ Post.”

Research by Otago University public health researchers in 2019, found only one in 10 websites selling vapes were asking for proof of age before sales.

Professor Janet Hoek, one of the researchers, says she didn’t believe much had changed since and vapes were still “incredibly accessible” for children online.

“Many of the teens I’ve worked with said they buy them online. But even if not, they all know certain shops that won’t ask for ID.”

Age verification systems online are lacking, Janet says, as all that is needed is to tick a box with no validated ID required.

“The responsibility is with the retailer and I think nobody should be able to access those websites without uploading ID.

“The content on vape shop websites is very appealing to young people right down to the tone and the design.

Otago University Professor Janet Hoek says age verification systems online were lacking. Photo: Supplied

“Vaping is sold to regulators as a tool to quit smoking, so if that’s the case, why not peel back all of the marketing?”

Ashley says she was “furious” with the response she received from Shosha and believes it is far too easy for children to get vapes online.

“It’s way too easily accessible if all they have to do is tick a box claiming to be 18. There needs to be more put in place.”

Marnie Wilton from Vape Free Kids NZ says the issue of teenagers buying vapes online came up frequently within their group.

“We hear a lot of stories from parents about their kids and their friends pooling their money together to buy vapes online and getting it sent to the home where they think they’ll be least likely to be questioned.

“Couriers aren’t necessarily checking ID and should it be their responsibility? If it’s too hard to stop children from buying vapes online maybe they shouldn’t be sold there.”

Shosha were approached for comment.

Melanie Earley/Stuff


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