1:03:58 Saturday 29 March 2025

Street upgrades proposed for Tauranga city centre

Street upgrades proposed for Tauranga city centre. File Photo.

Wider footpaths, greener spaces and one-way streets are among several improvements being proposed in a trial to make Tauranga city centre more attractive and help people move around more easily.

The proposals will be considered at a Tauranga City Council meeting on Monday, February 12.

If approved, the one-way traffic system would be introduced to parts of Harington, Hamilton, Wharf, Spring and Willow streets during March and remain in place for at least two years during the city centre transformation.

Tauranga City Council’s Principal Investment Advisor for Transport, Tom McEntyre, said the pilot project was expected to bring many benefits if it went ahead.

"A one-way system would create safety benefits by slowing down vehicles, reducing the number of intersections, and improving visibility,” says Tom.

“It would also create space for wider footpaths, planter boxes, street art and other opportunities to make the city centre more attractive and accessible.”

With many building projects ramping up in our city centre, the one-way system would reduce the need for road closures because space could more easily be provided beside the street for construction activities when needed.

Willow Street would be open to cyclists in both directions.

Street upgrades proposed for Tauranga city centre. Photo supplied.

“In short, this project would help support walking, cycling and safer motoring for people of all ages and abilities,” says Tom.

If approved, most of the project would be completed during a few weeks in March. Some additional work – such as planting – would occur later with minimal disruption.

The changes would be monitored and reviewed as a pilot to see if they should be retained, altered or extended through other parts of the downtown area.

In an unrelated move, a small section of Willow Street (between Wharf Street and Hamilton Street) will be permanently closed at a date yet to be determined to allow for the construction of the new civic precinct, Te Manawataki o Te Papa, and ultimately create a pedestrian plaza.

The new one-way system in the surrounding streets would be retained when this closure occurs.

Collectively, the proposed changes are among many initiatives aimed at making the city centre a great place to live, work, learn and play.

Other transport-related improvements include the recent opening of a bike park on Grey Street with room for 78 bikes and e-scooters, and the opening of 145 parking spaces on Dive Crescent.

Later this year, at least 200 more parking spaces will become available at Panorama Towers on Hamilton Street and 106 spaces at a car park on Devonport Road.

Monday’s meeting will be livestreamed on Tauranga City Council’s website here.

You can find out more about the vision for the future of Tauranga in the Council’s City Centre Action and Investment Plan 2022-32.


Oh for goodness sake!

Posted on 09-02-2024 08:45 | By Equality

One stupidity follows another! The town is dead. This adds more nails to the coffin.
And they ask me to conserve water - not on your nellie mate! Fools!

The Nails

Posted on 09-02-2024 09:16 | By The Caveman

in the CBD coffin are getting bigger by the week !

As is the RATEPAYER DEBT !!!

Planter boxes??

Posted on 09-02-2024 09:45 | By earlybird

Are you kidding. More boring natives with no colour, and weeds. Surely we have enough of these already.

What? Planter boxes?

Posted on 09-02-2024 10:39 | By LHem

Well that's a good use of Rate payers money!...NOT! All they do is cut out visibility and make the town look scruffy! Grasses are unattractive and natives grow huge and are unpractical. You only have to look everywhere to see that! Tauranga city has no thought process when it comes to planting! ..And as for one way streets?? Just another headache, and just another bullsh*t idea to rush through before our election :(


Posted on 09-02-2024 10:58 | By dave4u

Everything they have done in Cameron road requires weeding saw up to 6 people per bay weeding not even any weed mat down and I guess watering in the dry times all on going expenses from the rates unbelievable.

oh c'mon now

Posted on 09-02-2024 11:21 | By OG-2024

WHY do we kept being told "The proposals will be considered at a Tauranga City Council meeting" when all it is are the commissioners that were foisted on us!!?? Local government has been a joke for years, bring back democracy and some real ideas that might just maybe revive the city centre, not stupid pipe dreams that no one even heard of.

Proposed, ha

Posted on 09-02-2024 11:44 | By an_alias

Yeah right, we all know "Proposed" is the new consultation where you hear what TCC and Fav 4 are going to do.......yeah baby burn some more debt before you take your huge wages to glow in the after math.....and pat each other on the back look how amazing the paths are.....dont worry businesses, who cares, we have a new Hotel and Museum that no one wants.....

Not Again

Posted on 09-02-2024 12:09 | By MoR

What a waste of ratepayers money, these Commissioner's are set to put us in debt for ever. Instead of doing this do something that's really needed to be done, plus they will ask us for input and then disregard what we say anyways, just look at Cameron Road, it doesn't even look nice, that's just my opinion :)


Posted on 09-02-2024 12:16 | By CliftonGuy

There will be ample space for the ghosts of pedestrians past to walk. The city is a ghost town at present. Get the shops filled first, then their retail income will pay for all this nonsense.

The Buses?

Posted on 09-02-2024 12:59 | By The Truth Is Out There

If a 60/72 leave stand B/C in Durham
St, where do they go now? Can't go left into Spring, Left into willow anymore.
And the 55/62/71/59/ can't turn left into spring and right into Grey st, as they do now.
And the 2W/2B/5. No stops between Harrington & Hamilton on Willow anymore? As there is now. Plus too many more to mention!

An Abortion

Posted on 09-02-2024 13:16 | By Tonka

Why would i want to go to the city, when there are now several very good shopping centres in the district.. Plenty of free parking, sidewalks are clean and tidy, everything from supermarkets to boutique shops. Won't be seeing me in the city any longer and i've lived in Tauranga for many, MANY years.

The Master

Posted on 09-02-2024 14:02 | By Ian Stevenson

TCC are the best at messing things up, the CBD destruction of the years has been slow, deliberate, calculated, planned and executed intentionally to maximize the harm and damage to anyone who remains there.

Make no mistake, TCC are experts at all of this. The thing that they are best at, is taking something that is a complete disaster and making it a lot worse. Example: CBD, Baypark, Harrington St car park building... in fact anything "building".

The Master

Posted on 09-02-2024 14:06 | By Ian Stevenson

TCC desire is to revamp the CBD? That is the grand plan to remedy all perfectly...

Sadly, again, repeating, many times to date, all the grand "fabricated" out of TCC and the massively expensive consultant "puppet" leeches... will only make what is shocking bad worse still.

Best option, turn off the light... "Walk away". It is dead and history already thanks to TCC alone.


Posted on 09-02-2024 14:16 | By sambro

Why? no one goes there??? Wasting rate payers' money AGAIN and skimming it off the top!

Here's an idea

Posted on 09-02-2024 15:25 | By Fernhill22

There must be an easier & better way for ratepayers to be able to contribute and vote on this stuff that TCC is trying to push on us. Why can't TCC email ratepayers a questionnaire to request a vote from them on these projects rather than forcing this stuff onto them. There needs to be the option of ticking a box that where people can vote that they don't want the council to proceed at all. In today's world there should be a far better way of obtaining community feedback & ensuring that it requires a majority threshold of say 70% for TCC to then proceed. Otherwise, they need to listen to their ratepayers & the feedback rather than spending money on projects that people don't actually want in their community.

The Master

Posted on 09-02-2024 15:43 | By Ian Stevenson

Perhaps the prime issue, that has "infected" TCC and it impacts all they do at all levels....

Al is 100% understood when you know and understand this quote: - "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein."

More debt

Posted on 09-02-2024 16:22 | By Kancho

Well the commissioners approve this and all spending but staff dream up the projects to justify 763 full- time equivalent (FTE) employees and the multiple managers reportedly around one hundred and remuneration of $24 million


Posted on 09-02-2024 22:50 | By nerak

You are bang on the money! Just have to have a huge salary to go with the fancy title - Principal Investment Advisor for Transport is the latest idiocy I have seen, that's at least 2 new this week. And how many 'assistants' does that fancy title need? Talk about top heavy with dreaming fools. Wonder where all these fancy titles will be when they get old, when their brains are no longer in scheme and dream mode. Won't be sitting in a park, council will be charging for that, can't visit the Men's Shed, council killed that off, can't sit on a bench on a boardwalk, that will cost you $50... oh, but whose idea was it to charge for EVERYTHING??? Wake up TCC, you are making fools of yourselves, and ratepayers miserable.

For Goodness Sake

Posted on 10-02-2024 08:34 | By Thats Nice

Stop spending any more money on the cbd. It's dead and is a waste of taxpayers' money so put the money into other areas PLEASE.

Movie Set

Posted on 10-02-2024 09:10 | By 4u

Another great title at TCC :
"Principal Investment adviser for transport". Would be a nice idea to get a list of all the job titles on top.
To try to get something out of the spiral into a black hole it might be to use downtown as a permanent movie set. Easy to control. The few people can do a great Job as Extras.


Posted on 10-02-2024 09:22 | By earlybird

If the CBD is to survive it needs to feel vibrant and be a pleasant experience to visit. With that in mind have a look at what council have already done to Cameron Road. We have hundreds of small 'gardens' that all look the same. Natives which always look the same no matter what season we're in, and of course constanly infested with weeds. Colour is what we desperately need. Tauranga has absolutely zero vibrance. Visiting the CBD is not a memorable experience. It's boring boring boring. I think the CEO should organise a bus trip to Rotorua for the relevant staff. They have flowers everywhere and the city looks alive.


Posted on 10-02-2024 09:57 | By Don Twori

At this rate the only people downtown will be lawyers, students, and council employees in their new admin building after they have demolished TWO admin buildings, the last only a few years old. Now, with the "commission" in place there is no-one at all to ride herd on an out-of-control administration.

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