Youth detained in Greerton following disruption

Youth causing public disruption being detained by Police on Cameron Road in Greerton on Tuesday afternoon. Photo: Kevin Bustard.

Police have detained a group of youths following a public disturbance in Greerton Village on Tuesday afternoon.

Police say that they attended the scene of an incident relating to a group of youths causing public disruption near Greerton Library at around 3.10pm this afternoon.

1 comment

Nothing to give

Posted on 22-02-2024 15:17 | By Opinion100

This town is very limited for young teenagers, what do you do go read books and eat fast foods? no wonder you got kids acting like this. Give them a space they can go and have some fun that is outside of reading books. yes they have devices and things to keep them occupied but lets get them away from this too. They need a space they can hang out and enjoy being teenagers talk laugh etc... without the shhh be quite etc... and no they do not want a park they are teenagers not 5 year olds.
what have they done for teenage kids in Greerton? absolutely nothing. And they maintain doing little as possible for them. must want more ram raids etc... and then have the police come and detain KIDS. they have no respect because you give them nothing to respect. wakeup

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