Cameron Road construction update

A new cycle rack being installed at Sixth Avenue (west). Photo: Tauranga City Council.

A small team is on site completing the finishing touches along Cameron Road in Tauranga.

Rain in the past fortnight has caused some delays to planned works, which we will be continuing with as weather allows, says a statement from Tauranga City Council.

"When it rains, works involving concrete, asphalt, excavation and painting can’t be completed.

"In the coming weeks, the team will be installing decorative pavers in the shared path areas as part of the cultural design elements on Cameron Road.

"The stormwater works on Fourth Avenue (west) are now complete and the road is open."

From 6am Monday, March 11, the team will be working on remedial drainage works which includes lifting the manholes in Tenth Avenue (west), which they expect to take three days (weather dependent).

"Noise and vibration are associated with these works, however, we will be working to keep this to a minimum.

"Tenth Avenue (west) will be fully closed for the duration of these works. Traffic requiring access to Tenth Avenue (west) will need to take Ninth Avenue and Edgecumbe Road.

"Upcoming night works (6pm to 6am) include asphalt works at Sixth Avenue (east) and the First Avenue central median, as well as line marking. These works are expected to take one night and will be scheduled when weather allows.

"Work to install permanent fences and timber posts at some of the mid-block pedestrian crossings is continuing.

"A routine inspection of the completed works is also underway to ensure everything is functioning and operating as it should be. Once this is completed, we will know if there are any sections that need further attention.

"We thank you for your patience and understanding while these essential works are underway."



Posted on 11-03-2024 07:27 | By Ladradog

I see that there is no explanation on why they were digging up Cameron Rd/16th Ave intersection last week. That section of road has only been completed for about 8 weeks.

Spelling mistake?

Posted on 11-03-2024 08:08 | By an_alias

Isn't construction missing the de- on the start ?
I almost spotted a guy on a bike when I went through....sadly it was just a cone, was hard to see due to the tumble weeds blowing through town.

I wonder.....

Posted on 11-03-2024 09:08 | By groutby

....from the 4th paragraph, just what a 'cultural design element' is.....sounds very expensive !

numb and dumber

Posted on 11-03-2024 09:13 | By Opinion100

Do you want a congratulations
What makes you think by widening the foot path and bringing it closer to traffic is safer for pedestrians? you do this partially for the bikers them mf are still on the road. are you going to impose fines for bikers not using the bike lane? cause you would if a car did use a bike lane.
What makes you think the stupid partial bus lanes are a good idea? wont it just cause panic and panic causes crashes?
You've got painted yellow lines but no reason to explain when and why it cannot or can be used?
Your idea of what is safer looks better on paper than in reality, soaking up tax payers money for jackshit.
I'd rather teach my kids to look both ways then to push a button and wait. Do cars not run red lights? enough said.


Posted on 11-03-2024 09:54 | By 1/2way290

We drove down from Sulphur point end of Cameron Road past the Hospital on Sunday (didn't stop in the "town centre" as there nothing there for our family. We saw 4 cyclists in the trip. Of the 4, 2 were riding on the road next to their brand new cycle lane! We see the same thing in Papamoa - cyclists don't use cycle lanes, especially older dude's dressed in lycra. How about stop wasting our money on cycleways.

People are still confused about road rules?

Posted on 11-03-2024 16:05 | By Anti-Karen

It's not a law that you have to ride in the cycle lane. In every instance, this cycle lane is far far more dangerous than riding on the road. How did you people manage to get your license?!

road rules

Posted on 12-03-2024 08:36 | By Opinion100

No your right its not a law. but it is stupid as fuck that the council are wasting so much time and money to better the ride for cyclist but they still choose to use the road.

the worst part about this is the responsibility falls back to drivers on the road. not the actual twit who is biking on the road instead of the bike lane.

its the arrogance of bikers who expect to be given way.

if there is a line of parked cars and the bike lane runs out they just proceed to the road? pushing cars out too as we have to give them way. Get your arse on the footpath instead of having your head stuck up your arse and only thinking of your self.

half the time they bike looking down, just plan stupid.

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