Cost of living: People 'drowning in debt'

Māori and Samoan people, women and young people are among those facing the worst debt, according to a new report. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King.

The number of whānau turning to financial mentors for help is up 40 per cent in a year as they grapple with growing debt, a new report shows.

The second annual FinCap Voices report is laying out the financial wellbeing of those supported by financial mentors.

The 185 services across Aotearoa worked with 49,568 whānau in 2022, but that leapt to 69,807 in 2023, the report shows.

The median amount of debt owed by people seeking help increased to $14,096, up $429 from 2022.

While incomes increased last year, they were "cancelled out" by the cost of living crisis and people struggling to afford the basics like food, the report says.

"In Wellington and Auckland, we noticed a particular strain, with increases in weekly deficits and higher median debt amounts."

One Wellington-based financial mentor quoted in the report says it's not a cost of living crisis, but a "drowning in debt crisis".

Those facing the worst debt are Māori and Samoan clients, women and young people, the report finds.

Debt to banks and telecommunications companies increased "significantly", with people owing banks $311 million in 2023, up from $250 million the year prior.

Those with car loans are in a more difficult position, facing a $104 weekly deficit, compared to a $17 shortfall for other clients.

People owed government departments about $100 more in 2023 than they did in 2022, and there's an $180 increase in the amount of debt owed to councils.

And anecdotal evidence from financial mentors shows whānau are struggling with mental health.

Throughout the report, financial mentors explain the type of situations they are dealing with every day.

"My biggest concern is I am seeing clients that have a deficit even with very little debt. The cost of living is only increasing and I don't want to have to start telling clients to get a second or third job to be able to afford the essentials," says an Auckland financial mentor.

"Just the normal costs for any solo mother is basically outweighing their income and that's not always debt, it's not always anything in particular. It's just a whole heap of just basically not enough income for a family," says another.

A third says some of their clients can't eat if they can'tt go to the food bank.

The problems are down to a mix of poor financial literacy and the unmanageable cost of living, FinCap senior policy advisor Jake Lilley says.

"At times people might not have the financial literacy they need to keep a stable budget," he says.

"But at other times, someone's doing everything they can, and simply they just can't afford to make any mistakes at all.

"Or even if they don't make a single mistake, they're going to find themselves behind and unable to keep up with their expenses because cost of living's out of control and the cost of the debt that they've got is out of control."

More support for financial services needed - FinCap

The report comes as some budgeting advice and financial mentoring services are facing closure after missing out on the latest round of government funding.

Building Financial Services funding has dropped from $22.3 million last year to $19.5 million from July 1, due to the expiry of a time-limited cash boost during the pandemic, the Ministry of Social Development confirmed last week.

But Jake says they do vital work and need more support, not less.

"It's quite worrying some of the challenges financial mentors are facing right now, with some not knowing whether or not they have a job after July."

As well as more funding for the services, recommendations included increasing government benefits, continuing to develop safe lending laws, cracking down on irresponsible car lending, and improving access to quality housing.


1 comment


Posted on 17-05-2024 08:17 | By Angels

Who is putting these people into debt. Is there someone at the shopping centres etc etc that bend their arm to buy.
We all are responsible for our lives. That includes our spending and borrowing.
It is 90% of the time people irresponsibility on not taking responsibility for their action.
If there is a death, injury etc that is unforeseen that can be devastating to anyone.
We need to put financial education into the school system for the older students prior to leaving school.

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