Cameron Road...again

I am writing this because of the coming Tauranga City Council elections. Remember this when it comes to voting for the people who seem to think that Cameron Rd is perfectly okay and we should continue with the rest of it. ie: 17th Ave to Cheyne Rd.

Wow, the free-flowing traffic that will give us! ... Memo to new councillors: Check for any fish hooks left by outgoing Commissioners/Central Government. Change if necessary: ie Safe roads, better traffic flows. walking/cycle path built across roads, etc ...

Second Ave is an example of one of many. It is a road by law. The law states that all pedestrians and cyclists give way to all vehicles on the road. There is no such law that says that vehicles on a road should compulsory stop for pedestrians/cyclists. Right angle turns. 14 poles for traffic lights at 15th Ave. Each pole costs tens of thousands each. There is normally only four. Think about this: Millions of dollars have been spent on pedestrian/cyclist paths and nothing else. Money well spent. I don’t think so.

Terry Johnson, Gate Pa.

1 comment

Dead right

Posted on 31-05-2024 09:47 | By Wundrin

The cycle way is a separate entity to the road and, as such, anyone using it to enter a road must give way to any vehicles using that road. TCC knows this, and is hoping that a (mooted) law change will be instituted before the legitimacy of their signs and markings is challenged in court

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