The Tauranga SPCA is $300 richer thanks to mistakes made by Pāpāmoa bowlers.
The bowling club at Gordon Spratt Reserve fines its bowlers a gold coin whenever they bowl a ‘wrong bias’ during weekly club competitions – when they send their bowl off in the wrong direction.
This year there were plenty of wrong biases – in fact, $300 worth.
This year the club has chosen to donate their fines to the Tauranga SPCA.
Tauranga SPCA centre manager Andrea Crompton says the money will be put to good use as they care for sick, injured and vulnerable animals at the centre in Greerton.
“We’re almost entirely community funded.
"We rely on donations to cover all round care, community education, de-sexing and microchipping of animals – getting the animals ‘snipped and chipped’ – so we’re grateful there were lots of bowlers making mistakes.”
Lorraine McDonnell from Pāpāmoa Bowls says during the last year they’ve attracted a lot of first-time bowlers which may well have contributed to the high error count, but she says it’s great introducing new people to the game.
Pāpāmoa club coaches also work with school children who are keen to play.
“I think the days are gone where bowls is just seen as an old person’s game.
"The kids enjoy it. It’s easy to learn the basics but takes a lot of practice to be consistent,” says Lorraine.
“We also have a lot of businesses or corporates hosting staff parties at the club, particularly around Christmas time.
"The club provides the bowls and some simple instruction, and while a lot come for a good time, some decide to join the club and carry on.”
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