Ram raids down 80 per cent - police

Photo: SunLive.

Ram raids are down more than 80 percent for the month of April compared to last year, according to provisional police data.

Police have identified 12 ram raids in April 2024, compared to 64 in April 2023.

Provisional police data from April 2017 to April 2024 shows a downwards trend since the peak in August 2022, when there were 86.

There were a total of 433 ram raids in 2022, 288 in 2023, and 67 in the first four months of this year.

Provisional police data from April 2017 to April 2024 shows a downwards trend since the peak in August 2022, when there were 86. Photo: Supplied / NZ Police.

Legislation introducing a new ram raid offence passed its first reading in August.

The Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures Amendment Bill would add 'smash-and-grabs' to the Crimes Act, and would give police the power to prosecute children as young as 12 with up to 10 years in prison, including for being a passenger, or filming the incident.

Around 70 per cent of identified ram raiders were aged between 14 and 17, and a further 12 percent were aged between 10 and 13.


1 comment

Good result.

Posted on 12-06-2024 12:27 | By morepork

Recognizing the crime and legislating serious penalties, even for young people, seems to have had the desired deterrent effect in this case. We need this kind of sensible legislation for other classes of crime as well. (Burglary, mugging, and street violence etc. to name just a few.) I particularly liked the fact that filming the offence now carries a penalty.

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