Locals spray paint over road markings in protest

The love hearts sprayed over the road markings on SH2. Photo: John Borren.

Action taken by people upset with median barriers being installed on State Highway 2, near Katikati, has been reported to police.

SH2 side road residents upset with NZ Transport Agency’s decision to install the barriers on a stretch of the state highway have sprayed love hearts over road markings on the road.

A Wright Road resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, says NZTA is using old statistics.

“The road has been widened, speed limit lowered,” the resident says.

“They are disallowing access to side roads; all we are asking for is breaks in it to let us in. Work Road residents have at least an extra 7km to drive past their road, then double back, using the roundabout to disrupt the natural flow as people use it for a permanent “U-turn”, this is a safety issue in itself. It makes zero sense.”

The Wright Road resident worries about emergency services being able to reach a person in time.

They also worry about the fact that you would be unable to overtake, this means that if a tractor is in front going 30km the people behind must wait until the next roundabout.

In a letter to Transport Minister Simeon Brown, a Thompsons Track resident asks why the community and residents are not being listened to.

“Our emails to you all fall on deaf ears with no response. NZTA’s planning and consultation process is flawed with deceitful meetings, incorrect data and statistics, anything they want to get the outcome they want.”

NZTA says “Between 2009 and 2018 when our safety improvement project began, 24 people died and 65 were seriously injured on this stretch of SH2. 

“NZTA appreciates median barriers mean a change for some people, in terms of disruption to their current travel patterns,

“The analysis of these crashes shows most were caused by running off the road, head-on collisions, and intersection crashes. The safety improvements we are making are evidence-based road design."

“My view on the installation of these barriers remains unchanged. I have been opposed to NZTA’s impractical plan from the get-go and I still am,” says Coromandel MP Scott Simpson.

In response, NZTA director of regional relationships for the Bay of Plenty and Waikato, David Speirs says the people who sprayed over the road markings, are putting their lives at risk and endangering other road users by walking and lingering on a state highway in the dark.

“In addition - defacing a state highway with graffiti is an act of intentional vandalism, and is a criminal offence, and the action has been reported to NZ Police.”


It seems to me...

Posted on 20-06-2024 11:18 | By morepork

... that this is not being addressed and the residents concerns are not being taken seriously. We should be able to do better than this and there should be no need for people to break the Law so they can be heard. Set up a meeting between NZTA, the Local Council, and the residents. LISTEN to all viewpoints then find a solution. There is no need for an Authority to simply impose its will on people.

Speirs refuses to listen.

Posted on 20-06-2024 11:42 | By GreenRidgeFarm

It’s a disgrace, residents aren’t opposed to having the median barriers, they’re opposed to having access to their roads cut.
There’s been zero consultation and the few chances residents have had to voice their opposition it’s been completely ignored.
NZTA and the muppet Speirs aren’t leaving residents much choice when it comes it passive resistance…
Dark and dodgy dealings from NZTA, buy outs for access to roads for local companies, and country clubs… disturbing the deeper you dig into it.

Rediculous decision

Posted on 20-06-2024 12:33 | By formulafuzz

NZTA have not taken any notice of the large number of submissions made on this subject. The reply to my own submission indicated they haven't even read it. The decision to stop residents turning into their own side roads or even individual properties is ridiculous. Those making this illogical decision almost certainly live in a city. I applaud the efforts of local resident opposing this stupid decision and waste of taxpayers money.

State highway

Posted on 20-06-2024 12:38 | By Robin

With cars having to do unnecessary travel to go to a roundabout, the traffic volume will increase causing more delays as well. Far better to use the money on improving road surface which is far more likely to cause an accident.

not taken seriously

Posted on 20-06-2024 13:31 | By Megpeg

We have had meetings with NZTA, both regional and local councils and a large residents meeting. None of the council's or NZTA will take our concerns seriously

Not Vandelism but public inssurection

Posted on 20-06-2024 13:35 | By Ziggaty

As for the NZTA saying the people are putting themselves at risk, they seem to forget that this barrier is putting the local residents' lives and property at risk. In fire and medical events, minutes matter. To have emergency vehicles held up by horticultural vehicles that use this part of the state highway regularly and having to traverse this extra length of road is dangerous.

The widening of this road and installing turning bays that never existed before now make nonsense of NZTA statistics. It is woke safety that has gone way over the top. To have Scott Simpson also believing there is no need for this barrier that was put under a Labour government it is time to have a rethink and monitor how these road safety provisions already put in perform before going to draconian safety measures that local people do not support.


Posted on 20-06-2024 18:33 | By OG-2024

Possibly if ONE MP didnt have all the portfoliios to juggle and all those tv spots to film he might have time to listen..... Hon S Brown get off your butt and open your ears!
This is an absolute disgrace from a govt only interested in making money for it's cronies.

NZTA doesn’t care

Posted on 20-06-2024 20:30 | By TimRosamond

What would you do if forced to drive an extra 3-7km’s every day to access your residential street? NZTA management bonuses are at risk for not meeting the required kms/year of barriers and now the residents living off this part of SH2 are paying the price. No pragmatism, no care for these extra kms travelled, delays to emergency services attending life threatening events up these side roads, where every minute matters. Not installing gaps in the barriers, as has been done in other parts of NZ, to allow rural people and businesses to efficiently go about their daily lives, is just bureaucracy and contempt for our democracy. Beware, these barriers could be coming to a street near you soon!


Posted on 21-06-2024 03:45 | By Yadick

I agree with morepork's commonsense solution. However, right from the very concept this whole saga has stepped off on the wrong foot from all concerned. Now it has got so out of control and bitterly twisted that criminal behaviors are rearing their ugly heads.
EVERYBODY needs to take a step back, get some breathing room and then move forward with an adult approach. A word to the locals, criminals will ALWAYS lose in the end. You are not in any way doing yourselves, or anybody for that matter, any favors whatsoever.
You're selfish, self-centered, criminal behavior has totally lost you my support and I'm sure that of many others.


Posted on 21-06-2024 08:07 | By Robin

Why when ever I log in and make a comment it is never published?

For Robin

Posted on 21-06-2024 10:38 | By Womby

I find that a bit as well
One thing I find is that I need to hit the post comment twice before it seems to send?
I am using an iPhone, but sometimes I know it is sent but it is still not printed.
Maybe more than one person is doing the delete when we write in?
Maybe SunLive could comment please

Not Organised Protest

Posted on 21-06-2024 11:22 | By LyndeG

It is clear to me from some of the comments that people believe this is an organised protest by the side road barrier group. This is not the case. The only protest we organised was the vehicle protest. This was only undertaken after significant engagement through official channels. We informed the Police of our protest and followed protocols to ensure road safety. People need to be very careful not to defame people. The original story implied that it was our group which is not true. We have no control over individual responses. There is obviously a lot of frustration in the community especially as all our efforts so far have failed.

SH2 barriers

Posted on 22-06-2024 10:57 | By MikeJW

For those that are unaware we have had discussions with NZTA, both Councils, all local MPs and we are trying, to no avail, to get a meeting with Simeon Brown and Simon Bridges. As a group we cannot be held responsible for the actions of individuals, we are not unreasonable people, we want our concerns taken seriously.


Posted on 22-06-2024 13:38 | By morepork

If it weren't for Simeon Brown we wouldn't be having elections in Tauranga. My point is that we won't always agree with an elected official, but at least they were ELECTED. The situation with the barriers is becoming dangerously inflamed. It might be time for the people to lobby the PM directly. It isn't just about Katikati; the whole question of Authorities and Councils not listening to residents is open to question. What recourse do the people have, if their concerns are simply dismissed and there is another agenda being followed by the people they are protesting to? It has to go to an independent Ombudsman (if there is one) or the PM as the ultimate representative of the people of NZ. ALL public Authorities need to be subject to inspection and required to justify their policies.

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