Rubirose shines as volunteer star in Maketū

Rubirose Russell with her mother Miria Pedersen. Photo: Supplied.

At just 14 years old, Rubirose Russell of Maketū is already embarking on her chosen career path.

Recognised as one of three Volunteering Services Bay of Plenty’s Volunteer Stars, Rubirose is being celebrated this week for her contributions to the early childhood centre at Maketū.

Rubirose's artistic talents are evident in the resources she creates for the centre. Her work is set to benefit her in the future as she plans to qualify as an Early Childhood Education (ECE) teacher.

Her mother, Miria Pedersen, an ECE teacher at Maketū Kidettes, praises Rubirose’s dedication to volunteering her artistic skills and creativity as well as time spent making resources for the tamariki.

“She does everything from building kitset furniture, making poi, crocheting items that go along with stories for mat time, creating awesome centrepieces, like a tree in the middle of our centre, out of recyclable supermarket bags for an enchanted forest theme we had,” says Miria.

“She draws beautiful pictures that match our pukapuka [books] for the week. When some of the resources need a spruce up, she will take them home, sand them back and repaint them if needed.

“She is such an asset to have, and our team would love to show how much we appreciate all she does.”

Rubirose began volunteering at the centre due to her mother’s three-year tenure there.

Initially visiting during her school breaks, she later set up a desk in the office for her homeschooling and soon started creating resources and artwork for the centre.

“I enjoy doing a bit of everything, but mostly painting, and I’m here every day anyway. I hope to train as an ECE teacher so my mum and I can also be work besties,” says Rubirose.

Her favourite projects include the centre’s centrepiece tree and making poi, but she finds joy in any artistic endeavour.

Outside of volunteering, she spends much of her time with her horse.

Volunteering services manager Angela Wallace is lauding Rubirose’s contributions, saying it is great to have a young volunteer represented in the top three.

“It's great to see the next generation of leaders emerging, showing up for their communities as volunteers and change makers,” says Angela.



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