Stories to come to life on a Tauranga stage

Vince Ford speaking at last year’s Tell Me Tauranga event, where the theme was ‘Legacy’. Photo: Supplied.

Nominations are now open for anyone who has “learned the hard way”, who wants to tell their own “famous last words” story to a live Tauranga audience.

After paying tribute to Dawn Picken in 2023, public storytelling event Tell Me Tauranga/ Kōrerohia Mai is changing tack this year with a new theme that encourages people to “fess up” to the things that have gone wrong in their lives - and how they have bounced back from adversity.

On Wednesday, October 23, at 16th Avenue Theatre, Tauranga will again come alive with true stories told by the people who lived and experienced them.

This year’s theme is Famous Last Words and will showcase storytellers who are united by stories of dreams dashed, ambitions thwarted and how they survived to tell the tale.

“When you think about it, this is just life isn’t it,” says Tell Me Tauranga event organiser Stan Gregec.

“We’ve all had the experience of jumping into something that didn’t work out as expected, and then of having to reckon with the consequences.

“It’s all about learning the hard way.”

Stan says the Tell Me Tauranga event is a chance to share your experience publicly, and to connect with a live audience of 150 people.

“Candid stories of where you have stumbled or gone askew in life make the best kind of story to tell because they grab people’s attention, and everyone can relate to similar events in their own lives.

“We’re now welcoming nominations, so if you have a suitable story to tell that fits the theme of ‘Famous Last Words’, come and pitch it - even if it’s only an idea.”

Stan says people can nominate themselves or someone they know, to take part and share a story.

“You’ll be on stage, telling your story for seven minutes – without notes or prompts. It’s not a TED Talk or anecdote – it’s authentic, real-life engagement with a live audience,” says Stan.

The first pitch/training night will be held on Wednesday, July 31 where potential speakers will share their ideas with the team from 5.30pm at Basestation in Durham St, Tauranga.

Stan says they have a process to help take people “from that rough stone idea to a polished diamond”.

“Don’t worry if this feels daunting, or if you haven’t quite got your story into shape. Our team will help you fine-tune your story – and, if you are selected as a finalist, we’ll get you to the point where you can knock it out of the park,” says Stan.

The event, now in its fourth year, will feature eight speakers who will speak for a maximum of eight minutes each on the theme of ‘Famous Last Words’. Previous years’ themes have been ‘New Beginnings’, ‘Soul Food’, and last year’s ‘Legacy’, paying tribute to Tell Me Tauranga founder Dawn Picken.

Dawn was a business writer, columnist in the Bay of Plenty Times, and business tutor at Toi Ohomai, who died in December 2022 – just three months after the second Tell Me Tauranga/ Kōrerohia Mai was held to a sell-out audience.

Last year’s Legacy theme drew speakers like Vince Ford, who had been a jackaroo, worked in salt mines, and led 4WD trips through the sand dunes of UAE and Qatar. He spokes on his role as a father and his legacy for his daughter.;

Other speakers also told stories that captured significant moments and aspects of their lives including surviving catastrophe and transitioning from one country to another.

“What we aim for is variety of stories and storytellers,” says Stan.

If you’d like to be part of the event, whether as a speaker, part of the organising team, or audience member, visit the Facebook page:, or contact Stan directly on: 022 390 2216 or email:



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