A night under the stars for a good cause

People are encouraged to take part in the Pāpāmoa Hills Night Walk in support of local people facing breast cancer, Supplied photos.

Brisk air, laughter, fun, some hilarious pink outfits, endless stars, a torch lit adventure in the dark, this is what is on offer for people wanting to join the Pāpāmoa Hills Night Walk on Saturday, July 20.

Experience a magical 5km night walk under the starry skies up Pāpāmoa Hills to the Ger at Summerhill, in support of local people facing breast cancer, says a statement from the Breast Cancer Support Services Trust.

The event has staggered start times, ensuring participants have ample space and tranquillity to take in the breathtaking views of the ever-changing light and stars.

At the summit participants are welcomed with warm drinks, delicious sweet treats, music, and stunning views of the night sky and city lights below. 

Afterward, a minivan conveniently transports participants back to their cars.

“The Pāpāmoa Hills Night Walk is a special event that we all look forward too.  It offers the perfect blend of adventure and quiet reflection, creating a truly special experience.  We love seeing people experience the magic of the event and have a fantastic time,” says Rachel Quin Gilbert, Manager of Breast Cancer Support Services Trust.

Don't miss out on this memorable adventure. Grab your tickets now and share this experience with your whānau and friends.

Tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased at www.breastcancerbop.org.nz/fundraising-events


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