Democracy is fundamental to local government

Recently, on ‘Q+A’ on Sunday morning television, Anne Tolley said that in her opinion a mixture of democratically elected and appointed people to run Tauranga City would be her ideal system.

With years of experience in local government, both here and in Christchurch, I completely disagree with the Commissioner.

Democracy is fundamental in a healthy modern society. One person one vote – let the people decide, not Wellington. In only one area has Local Government been encouraged, rightly, to have an external appointee, namely on the audit and risk committee.

In my opinion, the government-appointed Commissioners have not been terribly popular and their tenure at the helm has cost ratepayers financially.

The construction of all those cycleways along Cameron Rd have caused businesses no end of trouble.

The Mayor’s position is crucial. He or she must be a team leader able to work with both councilors and ratepayers, and also be able to hold the CEO to account. The CEO is the only person the council directly employs. If the mayor is weak, the CEO has an easy life.

Margaret Murray-Benge, Bethlehem.


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