New signalised crossing on Fraser Street

Fraser Street. Image: Google Maps.

Fraser Street will be welcoming a new signalised crossing between 17th and 18th Aves.

The construction works will be on weekdays from 7am to 5pm.

Construction is likely to cause minor disruption, however, the finished product will allow people to cross the busy road safely.

"We will re-open the new footpath on the southern side of Fraser Street at the end of this week," says A Tauranga City Council spokesperson.

"We have started work on the refuge island in the middle of the road. Traffic will be pushed to the sides of the road, so we are able to work in the middle.  Next week we will pour the new island and install the signals onto the posts."

The new crossing will provide a safer crossing point for students of Tauranga Intermediate School, Tauranga Special School and residents in the neighbourhood.

"We aim to complete this work at the end of July, weather dependent."

Traffic management

  • a temporary reduced speed limit of 30k/h through the work site
  • use of narrowed lanes
  • stop/go traffic management and portable traffic lights as required at off peak times
  • some footpaths and cycle lanes around the site will be closed, a safe detour will be provided
  • there will be a temporary pedestrian refuge island installed on the 17th Avenue side of the newly built crossing for the duration of construction
  • traffic management staff will be on site to help people cross the road around school opening and closing hours
  • bus stops will stay in use.

"We apologise for any inconvenience while we undertake this work."

For more information and the latest update on this project see here.



Posted on 18-07-2024 17:34 | By rogue

Why not put a set if lights at the intersection of 18thave and Fraser st.
Serve 3 purposes.
Traffic could easily transfer from Cameron Rd debacle and Intermediate traffic could merge safely.
Lastly pedestrians could cross safely.
Maybe I should be on council payroll ??

Should be at Eighteenth Ave

Posted on 19-07-2024 10:51 | By geordnz1

The Eighteenth Ave intersection is a nightmare at rush hour and school drop off and pick up time.
Why don't the signalise this intersection which could include crossings for pedestrians.

Dangerous place

Posted on 22-07-2024 17:17 | By Angel74

For the crossing u come up fraser st toward 18th it's a blind hill people wont b expecting stationary traffic ahead ...... then there's the traffic trying to exit 18th and entering 17th what a nightmare

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