Tauranga election: Mahé Drysdale set to be mayor

Mahé Drysdale is set to be Tauranga's mayor with progress results in. Photo: Alex Cairns/Bay of Plenty Times.

Tauranga’s new mayor Mahé Drysdale is “excited and daunted” about leading New Zealand’s fifth-largest city.

Progress results for the Tauranga City Council election have been released this afternoon, based on 82 per cent of the vote. These are expected to be updated with preliminary results tomorrow afternoon and finalised results next week.

Based on the votes received up until 5pm yesterday, Mahé has 13,419 votes, Greg Brownless 8577, Tina Salisbury 7145 and Ria Hall 5740.

As of Friday, the number of votes returned stood at 33,998 with special votes and votes returned on Saturday still being counted.

Two former councillors have been re-elected in the wards, early results show. Pāpāmoa ward councillor Steve Morris was part of the sacked 2019 council. Arataki ward councillor Rick Curach will serve his seventh term on council after missing out in 2019.

The two-time Olympic rowing gold medallist says he is very much looking forward to working with the nine councillors that he will lead.

“It’s a bit different to normal where in the past when I’ve succeeded that’s the end of a journey, whereas this one, it’s very much the start.

”We’ve got some really good talent.”

The progress results showed people wanted to Tauranga move forward, Mahé says.

”I’m very pleased that the voters have picked a number of very good people. I’m looking forward to working with them.”

“I’m excited about starting from a completely clean slate and doing, local government differently where we engage with the community and deliver for them.”

Mahé says the campaign was different to what he expected because he thought it would be “more attacking and negative”. This is despite some people’s concerns about him living in Cambridge and allegations from fellow mayoral candidate and uncle, Doug Owens that he was backed by the Urban Task Force [UTF] a local property group.

Mahé previously told the Bay of Plenty Times UTF had not contributed to his election campaign.

”What people are telling me is this is a great city and we just need to keep going and improve some of those small issues that can make the city fantastic.”

These issues included traffic and congestion and previous councils' inability to take action.

”We’ve done plans after plans after plans. Now we’re actually going to do something about it, so we don’t just keep kicking the can down the road.”

Asked how he planned to celebrate Mahé says he will get the team together that helped him win and he hopes to catch up with some of the other winning candidates.

”It won’t be a huge celebration because we’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Top row: Mahé Drysdale, Glen Crowther, Hautapu Baker, Jen Scoular, Kevin Schular. Lower row: Marten Rozeboom, Mikaere Sydney, Rick Curach, Rod Taylor, Steve Morris.

Ward progress results

In the ward races, progress results indicate the following candidates are leading:

Te Awanui: Mikaere Sydney  - 1153  votes

Arataki: Rick Curach  - 1514 votes

Bethlehem: Kevin “Herb” Schuler  - 1916 votes 

Matua-Otūmoetai: Glen Crowther  - 1886 votes

Mauao/Mount Maunganui: Jen Scoular  - 1594 votes

Pāpāmoa: Steve Morris  - 1508 votes

Te Papa: Rod Taylor  - 1015 votes 

Tauriko: Marten Rozeboom  - 1782 votes 

Welcome Bay: Hautapu Baker  - 2018 votes

Mahé, who became a financial adviser after retiring from sport, said he was future-focused and wanted to lead a new generation of strong and accountable leadership that would create a modern and attractive city.

Raised in Tauranga and living in Cambridge, he says the impact of population growth, major infrastructure builds and redevelopment of the centre city are issues the new council will need to address.

Mahé says he will use a multi-faceted approach to address Tauranga’s housing shortfall.

“I would look to encourage high-density housing in and around Tauranga city centre, helping bring back vibrancy to the city,” he previously told Local Democracy Reporting.”

”It’s important the council has a robust plan, is efficient in processing and cuts red tape to enable people to deliver the plan as easily, efficiently and cheaply as possible.”

The 45-year-old is married to Juliette and they have three children aged 4, 7 and 9. He works at Forsyth Barr in Tauranga two days a week and said he has seen the challenges Tauranga faces first-hand.

Mahé is the grandson of Sir Robert (Bob) Owens who was Tauranga mayor from 1968 to 1977 and mayor of Mount Maunganui borough from 1971 to 1974.

The election is Tauranga City Council’s first since 2019, and the group elected will serve a four-year term in a New Zealand-first.

In another first, the city will elect a Māori ward councillor to serve alongside a mayor and general ward councillors in what many have framed as a return to democracy for New Zealand’s fifth-largest city.

The 2019 council was sacked and replaced with government-appointed commissioners in 2021 after a tumultuous start to the term led to governance concerns.

Then-Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta appointed four commissioners to lead the council: Former National Party minister Anne Tolley as chairwoman with Bill Wasley, Stephen Selwood and Shadrach Rolleston.

None of the commissioners have stood in this election, but six members of the 2019 council ran again.

In total, 75 candidates – 15 of those running for mayor – put their hands up. Voters ranked their top picks using the single transferrable vote system.

The new council will take charge of a fast-growing city with a housing shortfall of 5500 and projected to grow, New Zealand’s biggest port, traffic congestion, and the least affordable housing of any main centre. Commissioners have planned about $4.9 billion in capital spending over the coming decade.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has identified the city as an early option for a city/regional deal committing to a long-term investment partnership with the Government.


-Additional reporting Bay of Plenty Times

LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.



Posted on 20-07-2024 15:49 | By mummabearnz


Bring back the Commissioners

Posted on 20-07-2024 16:40 | By Brendan Boyf

Oh well ! We had a chance and we blew it . Another predominately “pale male and stale” line up hand picked by the land owning developers.

I wonder how long before it collapses again and we have Commissioners back .

Oh no

Posted on 20-07-2024 17:12 | By Mein Fuhrer

Another commissioner loving wokester.

Onwards and upwards

Posted on 20-07-2024 17:58 | By Come on TCC!

Mahe was not my first choice but surely this new council has to be better for us than the out going commissioners!
The people have had their say, bye bye Tolley and minions, it's time for some change and time to save the rate payers some money while we are in the middle of a cost of living crisis!

New Council

Posted on 20-07-2024 18:07 | By tia

Perhaps 'Brendon Boyf" should have put his/her name forward. Just hope you were not eligible to vote. Certainly, good to see no 'old guard' got in except Steve Morris. What a great 4 years ahead.

Makes no difference who wins

Posted on 20-07-2024 18:06 | By Saul

Blackrock control New Zealand.

We need another vote

Posted on 20-07-2024 18:18 | By Potofstu

Poor old bredon boy didn't get what he wanted . Best of luck next time

Oh dear!

Posted on 20-07-2024 18:23 | By Equality

I guess the result was inevitable with that ad being rammed through everyones radio so many times each day. The only name probably that the general population recognised!
At least the new mayor has only one vote on the new council.
It would appear that the commissioners Civic Centre dream will come to fruition with the new council leadership! God help us ratepayers!

The Master

Posted on 20-07-2024 19:19 | By Ian Stevenson

Looks like the city is bankrupt, that will get worse the longer it continues...

Don't blame me if your rates are 3-5 times more in 7-10 years from now... it will be to pate then.

Mount Maunganui High Rise

Posted on 20-07-2024 19:32 | By Heke

I was at a public meeting recently where Mahe promised to roll back the 130 acres the commissioners recently zoned as 22 metre high-rise (under plan change 33) in Mount Maunganui so that’s a really positive thing


Posted on 20-07-2024 20:02 | By morepork

We should be so lucky!!! Blackrock, on their existing international track record, would probably do a much better job than our successive elected governments... Anyway, I think your cynicism is misplaced on this.

OH, and he does not

Posted on 20-07-2024 20:52 | By The Caveman


Got to ask what the residents have between their ears and have been thinking !!!!


Posted on 20-07-2024 21:43 | By Let's get real

Maybe Brendon Boy didn't notice the Two Maori councillors.
Of much more importance than the ramblings of that nonsense monger, is that we have a city population of around 150,000. Presumably around half of that number, maybe more, are eligible to vote.... What happened..?


Posted on 20-07-2024 22:19 | By PGC

Great! If we have any canoes needing paddling we're all set. Haven't really seen any evidence of other prerequisites for the job. Hopefully he won't be spending our money like it is going out of fashion like the dictators have done. We are not a bottomless pit of cash.


Posted on 20-07-2024 22:52 | By Alfa male

Not sure how rowing a boat real quick qualifies a man for mayor, it just shows that celebrity sells, lets wait and see who has bought him.

Time will tell

Posted on 20-07-2024 23:39 | By Informed

Mayor is a good option.
Two of the right wingers that for us in to this mess are back.
Way too many old white guys with little appropriate experience.

Going to miss the commissioners, they may not have towed the long rates company line that some love. But avoiding the big decisions for us in to this mess in the first place.

Having elected members that spend an hour arguing of paying for hanging baskets, and then approving billion dollar investments can't continue.

Only in Tauranga

Posted on 21-07-2024 11:16 | By R1Squid

Would a Olympic Sport Star be voted as Mayor and we are talking about New Zealand's 5th largest city. We are doomed.


Posted on 21-07-2024 14:47 | By morepork

Congratulations to all successful candidates; none of you were my Number Ones, but I'll still support you if you behave honestly, LISTEN to the community, and have respect for OPM.
I've never voted in this "singular transferable" vote system, as far as I can remember, but I really like it. It's simple to do and even if you "can't always get what you want" you still get something close. (Both the elected candidate for Mayor and the elected candidate for my electorate were my number 2 choices... :-))
There will be disappointment by some and some bitter posts here, but at least they are elected, and it is unlikely they will be as arrogant as the Commissioners.
Let's hope we are seeing a new dawn for Tauranga.

Higher rates, less progress.

Posted on 21-07-2024 16:47 | By anotherone2

Why are Tauranga voters hell bent on electing people with no qualifications or experience? Get ready to return to the same-old-same-old city paralysis as we all pay higher rates to keep the status quo.

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