We tend to forget...

Re: the cognitive testing for senior drivers now in existence. My wife and I are both in the high 80s. She went to the surgery to have stitches removed and was also given the cognitive test. I underwent the test when I had to renew my driver licence with a medical; I passed both.

It seems obvious that the cognitive test is being used as an early warning system for detecting dementia etc.

Prior to my taking the test I told a friend in England that I could see no reason to associate memory with driving. He corrected me saying he only took his car out for short trips, otherwise he tended to forget where he was going, if he got there he wondered why, and sometimes forgot the way home!

David Lawrence, Otūmoetai.

1 comment

cognitive test

Posted on 17-08-2024 22:48 | By Shirley Arabin

years ago while listening to National Radio one morning I heard an interview with a woman in early stage dementia. When asked when she first realised there was a problem she said she was driving her car and when rain started she could not remember how to operate the window wiper.

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