Armed police spotted in Ohauiti

File photo/Vision Media.

Reports are coming in of armed police in Ohauiti.

A SunLive reader has messaged us saying people are beng stopped from entering Woodleigh Pl.

"Multiple armed police on Woodleigh Pl, Ohauiti," says the reader.

"No one is allowed into Woodleigh Pl."

"It looks like this has stemmed from a family harm matter earlier in today, then someone has made threats," says a police spokesperson in a statement to SunLive.

"Armed Police are in the area as a precaution, while they work to resolve the matter."

Armed police on Woodleigh Rd, Ohauiti. Supplied photo.

People are advised to avoid the scene.

SunLive is working on getting more information and will provide an udpate when we can.

At the scene?

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