Distinctive dirt bikes stolen in Rotorua ram raid

Three dirt bikes were stolen from a Rotorua motorcycle store in a ram-raid. Photo / Kelly Makiha.

The owner of a Rotorua motorbike shop says he feels “shattered” and is “still shaking” after 11 people in three cars ram-raided his store, stole $40,000 worth of dirt bikes and created thousands of dollars of damage.

Bike Force Rotorua Motorcycles was ram-raided on Monday night and three distinctive bikes were stolen.

The shaken owner, who spoke on the condition he was not named, told the Rotorua Daily Post his security footage revealed a white double cab ute was used to ram-raid a rear roller door to allow the masked thieves to gain entry.

The roller door that was smashed in a ram raid at Bike Force Rotorua Motorcycles. Photo / Kelly Makiha.

As the ute skidded through the doors, it smashed into two customers’ side-by-side bikes in the store’s workshop.

He said the thieves – he counted 11 on the footage – created more damage as they smashed through the office area and into the store’s showroom where three dirt bikes were wheeled to the waiting vehicles.

He stood in the Lake Rd store he had owned for two years on Tuesday morning and was visibly upset as he recounted what happened.

“It’s our livelihood aye... it’s devastating especially at the moment with the economy the way it is. It’s not easy. I was shattered. I’m still shaking now.”

One of three dirt bikes stolen from Bike Force Rotorua Motorcycles on Monday night.One of three dirt bikes stolen from Bike Force Rotorua Motorcycles on Monday night.

One of three dirt bikes stolen from Bike Force Rotorua Motorcycles on Monday night.

He said the thieves were in and out within a couple of minutes. He said it looked like they had tried to steal about six or seven bikes but the alarm was “screaming” so they must have decided to leave.

He said the business’ excellent security system meant police were immediately notified and he was thrilled police arrived on the scene within three to four minutes of the alarm sounding.

“They only just missed them … They get a bad name sometimes but they were so great last night (Monday).”

The bikes stolen, two mainly red bikes and one mainly yellow bike, were collectively valued at $40,000.

The two red bikes had a distinctive two-stroke sound – a very high-pitched sound, which he said was different to the ones you saw being ridden around Rotorua.

The owner said he believed it would have been a “targetted crime”.

“They would have been casing the place out.”

Bike Force Rotorua Motorcycles on Lake Rd. Photo / Kelly Makiha.

He said it was the first time he had been burgled since buying the business two years ago.

Long-time former owner of the business, Lindsay Gemmell, who went to the store on Tuesday morning to offer support, said he could understand how the owner was feeling.

In 22 years of owning the store, he said they had about six break-ins and each time they had to learn to try and outsmart the thieves.

“It’s gut-wrenching.”

What the police say

Police said in a statement in response to Rotorua Daily Post questions one of the stolen bikes came to the police’s attention on Tuesday morning and had since been recovered.

They did not give further details including how the bike was found and which of the three stolen bikes it was.

Police said on Tuesday afternoon no one had yet been charged but inquiries were still ongoing.

The spokesman said police were reviewing CCTV footage and a forensic examination of the area had been done.

-Rotorua Daily Post.


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