Driver charged: six times over legal limit

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A Hawke’s Bay man is facing drink-driving charges after blowing nearly six times the legal breath alcohol limit before midday on Thursday, August 29, says Bay of Plenty Road Policing Manager Inspector Logan Marsh.

Police were alerted to a vehicle allegedly travelling slightly over the speed limit and weaving within its lane.

"Though the standard of driving behaviour wasn’t anything that rang immediate alarm bells, Police signalled for the vehicle to stop," says Inspector Marsh.

"The driver obliged and engaged in conversation with our staff member, mentioning that he had travelled into Taupō from outside the region that morning."

Inspector Marsh says after checking the man’s details in the system, it became apparent he was on a zero-alcohol licence. 

According to the breathalyser, however, the man was anything but sober.

"This shows the importance of breath-testing every driver, regardless of the time, whether they appear intoxicated, or the reason we’ve stopped them," says Inspector Marsh.

"These people are sharing the roads with our family, friends and colleagues.

"This is just one example of the intoxicated drivers being caught across the district, with our staff seeing some ridiculous levels."

Police are reminding drivers - if you’re drinking, don’t drive.

As a result of the traffic stop, a 33-year-old man is due to appear in the Taupō District Court on Wednesday, September 11 facing a charge of driving contrary to a zero alcohol licence and excess breath.


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