10:40:30 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Building for those in need in Mexico

2019 Volunteer Build group in Tijuana, Mexico in front of the house they built. Photo: supplied.

After a successful trip to Vanuatu, during which a school classroom was built in just four days, Volunteer Build is gearing up to do it again - this time, it’s a home in Mexico.

Pāpāmoa woman Diana Judge, founder of Volunteer Build, says this trip of volunteers will build a house for a family in Tijuana.

“This will be our 29th home built with 353 volunteers since 2008 in the southern colonias of Tijuana for families currently living in shacks made of plastic, old plywood and dirt floors,” says Diana.

A photo Diana took on their 2019 trip of the living situation of the family before building them a home. Photo: supplied.


“As well as helping families with shelter, it’s a key aim of ours to assist Kiwis to understand the plight of the poor and how they can help and make a huge difference ‘hands-on’.

This Volunteer Build trip, Diana says volunteers can even take their children (aged 8-plus) with them.

“For families who bring their kids on a Mexico build – we often describe the trip as a ‘values realignment exercise’, and both parents and volunteers still testify as to how life-changing these trips have been for them.”

Andrea Mendoza and Carkis Chavez with their children Daniela and Andrek. Photo: supplied.

Diana says eligible Mexican families must first have legal title to the land they want to build on. For example, they must have paid a deposit and have a loan to pay off - but can’t afford to actually build a home.

“Land cost used to be US$2000 when we first started building but it’s a lot higher now. It takes one day to put up the home, which is made out of ply, constructed on a pre-poured concrete slab with shingle tile roof.

“Building materials cost $15,000, which is funded by a $1000 per person building donation, and the finished house includes two bedrooms plus [a] sleeping loft, living area and outside latrine.”


The crew spend two days finishing up – gibbing, plastering, sanding, painting the interior then fitting it out with basic furniture and whatever else the family may need that fits within the $2000 budget.

Three Mount Maunganui residents are already signed up for this Mexico trip.

“This year we’re building for two 79-year-old grandparents who are looking after their two grandchildren.”

Diana says their 16-year-old grandchild Andrek has a disability and spends his time in a wheelchair.

“We are looking forward to building a new accessible home for Andrea, Carlos, Daniela and Andrek.”

The classroom full of students in Vanuatu on Volunteer Build’s 2024 trip. Photo: supplied.

The volunteers leave for Mexico on September 28 - the first Saturday of the school holidays - and return on October 9.

Diana says on past builds, volunteers have prepared basic meals for homeless people and delivered care packages to local prisons, and sometimes head off for R&R and other volunteering efforts nearby.

Volunteer Build has room for a few more volunteers on the Mexico trip. Visit: www.volunteerbuild.com/mexico.

To donate to the project’s fit-out, visit: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/help-us-buy-beds-blankets-sheets-and-pillows.


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