Humane Society medal for former police officer

Former Senior Constable Kurt Waugh with Dame Cindy. Photo: Royal Humane Society.

A former police officer has been honoured for rescuing a woman from a house fire while on duty in Te Puke in 2011.

Former Senior Constable Kurt Waugh received the Royal Humane Society Silver Medal from Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro at Government House, Wellington, on Wednesday, August 28.

Waugh was alone on duty in Te Puke on April 11, 2011, when he received a report of a woman in distress.

On arrival at her house, he found it on fire, said a post on the Governor-General website about the 2024 Royal Humane Society Silver Medal Presentation.

A Te Puke constable smashed his way into this burning house in 2011 to save a woman who was in the upstairs bedroom. Photo / file.

“Waugh took immediate action to try and contain the fire by using the fire extinguisher from his patrol car and a garden hose.

“Using his baton to break the ranch slider, Waugh entered the house to search for occupants.”

The increasing intensity of the fire and presence of smoke meant visibility was poor, and he had to leave several times in order to regain his breath. Waugh broke further windows in an effort to dispel the smoke in the house.

After searching the ground level, Waugh moved upstairs, where he found a locked door which he forced open and found a semi-conscious woman. He dragged and carried her back down the stairs and outside to safety, said the post.

“After ensuring she was safe, Waugh re-entered the house to check if there were any other people present.

“The woman received medical assistance from the attending ambulance services.

“The timely actions of Senior Constable Waugh in entering the house, locating, and then helping the semi-conscious woman to safety, clearly saved her life.”

Te Puke Constable Kurt Waugh in 2011. Photo / File.


1 comment

Great achievement

Posted on 04-09-2024 13:40 | By tia

Well done Kurt. Certainly a credit to you past profession.

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