Hunting wild venison for a worthy cause

Hunt for Good Trust chair Bill Osborne, left, Mr Meat Man Bruce Richards and Hunt for Good founder Jasper Osborne. Supplied photo.

A Tauranga organisation is on the hunt for wild venison.

Hunt for Good, a New Zealand-based not-for-profit initiative, has made a significant impact by donating more than 400kg of wild venison mince to Tauranga Community Foodbank, providing about 2700 servings to families in need. Donations have been made to smaller community groups too, all thanks to the efforts of a team of 15 dedicated volunteers.

Founded by Jasper Osborne, a business owner, passionate hunter and father, Hunt for Good aims to tackle food insecurity while contributing to environmental sustainability through sustainable deer population control. Jasper’s background in business ownership and his passion for the outdoors inspired him to create this initiative, ensuring both community support and environmental stewardship.

“Red meat is often missing from foodbank parcels, so we saw an opportunity to fill that gap while also helping manage the deer population,” said Osborne. “Our team of volunteers isn’t just about hunting — it’s about feeding families with sustainable food and restoring balance to our environment.”

With more drop-offs planned in the future, Hunt for Good is committed to continuing its mission to support foodbanks and communities throughout New Zealand.

For more information on Hunt for Good’s mission and upcoming initiatives, go to or contact

About Hunt for Good

Hunt for Good is a not-for-profit initiative that supplies foodbanks with wild venison sourced sustainably from New Zealand’s natural environment. With the help of about 15 volunteers, the organisation addresses food insecurity while promoting responsible environmental management, making a positive impact on families and ecosystems.



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