A bouquet for the commissioners

Earlier this month on a sunny Saturday, I decided to walk along the waterfront at The Strand to check things out.

As I approached the new children’s play area, the sounds of laughter, enjoyment and happiness grew louder and louder. I stopped and looked in awe at what seemed like several hundred children, parents, grandparents, relatives and carers, all thoroughly enjoying themselves with the new facilities. It was quite a spectacle, as others watched with me. Wow! Compare this with the doom and gloom in the world.

I then moved on, past Hairy Maclary and his mates, to view the new magnificent tidal steps access to our beautiful harbour. What a great idea. Better than Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown’s plastic pool beside Auckland’s Harbour, and we can swim in ours!

The commissioners deserve our absolute congratulations for the legacy they have left for present and future children, parents and citizens of our lovely city.

When the current projects throughout the inner city are complete, Tauranga “Will Be Great Again”.

Graham Needham, Pyes Pā

Editor’s note: Tauranga City Council returned to an elected-member model in July 2024.


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