21:35:22 Friday 28 March 2025

Red means go as kiwifruit harvest begins

Mangatawa CEO Scott Wikohika, Seeka CRM Sheena Papuni and Mangatawa GM Vinnie Campbell. Photo/Supplied.

The largest producer of kiwifruit in New Zealand and Australia started its 2025 kiwifruit harvest on Monday with the RubyRed kiwifruit variety.

Seeka Limited was excited to get the season going, picking an orchard owned by Briant Brothers, in Gisborne on Sunday, February 23.

“The fruit is looking outstanding this season and the team is excited to begin harvest," Seeka Client Relationship Manager, Rochelle Brown said.

Briant Brothers Orchard is owned by Frank and Hamish Briant, a father and son team.

“This is their first venture into RubyRed kiwifruit, so they were excited to be first off the block”, said Brown.

In the Bay of Plenty, Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporated began picking on Monday, Febrary 24. Seeka has worked with the incorporation for many years, providing post harvest and orchard management services.

“We are hoping 2025 will be one of our best seasons yet! This year's crop has had optimal growing conditions, and the fruit is looking fantastic," said Levi Ryland, Regional Orchard Manager for Seeka’s Eastern region, including the Mangatawa Orchard.

Briant Brothers picking February 23 2025. Photo/ Rochelle Brown

“Our team at Seeka and Mangatawa management have worked hard to optimise the crop and it’s great to see the results come to fruition again this year," Seeka Client Relationship Manager, Sheena Papuni said.

Kerikeri-based orchard, Wiroa Horticulture, part of the Craigmore portfolio Seeka manages in Northland will be picked today, Tuesday, February 25.

"Myself and most of my senior staff have been at Wiroa since the start of the development project in mid-2019. It's been exciting to see the orchard grow and we've all grown in knowledge and experience with it," Pieter Traas, Seeka Orchard Manager, said.

Kiwifruit. Photo/Seeka

“We expected orchards to clear earlier this season, following advice from our team of kiwifruit Technical Specialists," Seeka’s CEO, Michael Franks said.

RubyRed across all regions is tracking ahead of last season in both fruit weight, size and quality signalling another promising year.

"We are ready. We have capacity plans in place, our sites are serviced and ready to receive fruit with many having automation upgrades and we have the labour. Seeka is all set to deliver another year of great service to growers," Franks said.


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