Community forums for Western Bay of Plenty

Community forums will be held in Katikati–Waihī Beach, Kaimai, and Maketu–Te Puke during April and May.

Want to get the latest on what's happening in your community, or have a burning question about a specific project?

Then mark your calendar for Western Bay of Plenty District Council's Community Forums series for an inside look at the projects shaping your area.

Returning in 2025, with a new expo-style format, these forums are designed to give people a chance to connect with their local councillors, and get a better understanding of local initiatives by talking to the teams behind them.

“Connecting with our community, in their place, is an integral part of the mahi (work) we do at the Council,” said Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO and General Manager Strategy and Community.

"We are deeply committed to giving every member of our community the opportunity to engage with us. These events are designed to ensure people have the most direct access to us, allowing for open kōrero about their thoughts, concerns, and ideas for the future.”

Community forums were introduced by Council in 2023, to give people the opportunity to meet with their local councillors in an informal setting.

Last year, Council trialled a new format, hosting an expo-type event in Te Puke where people could explore project hubs around the room and kōrero with councillors and the Council team.

“It was a really successful event, and we received lots of valuable feedback from the community. We are looking forward to rolling these out across the rohe, and getting input from people on the ground, so we can shape the future of our community together,” said Davie.

From the new library and community hub being built at Waihī Beach, to major roading projects like the SH2 Ōmokoroa Road intersection upgrade, there is a multitude of mahi happening across the rohe (District) for people to learn more about and give feedback on.

The forums will also include information about funding and grants, kerbside recycling, and emergency management, with the opportunity to experience a natural hazard simulation through VR goggles.

More details about each Community Forum, and the projects that will be headlined at them, will be made available closer to the time.

In the meantime, key community projects are featured on Council’s ‘Your Place Tō wāhi’ website, which is updated as regularly as possible to keep the community informed.

Event Details:

  • Katikati–Waihī Beach Community Expo: Wednesday 9 April, 7-9pm, The Centre – Pātuki Manawa Digital Hub.
  • Kaimai Community Expo: Wednesday 7 May, 7-9pm, Te Puna Hall.
  • Maketu–Te Puke Community Expo: Wednesday 21 May, 7-9pm, Paengaroa Community Hall.


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