Takitimu North Link hits major milestone

SH29 Takitimu Drive Toll Road and the new Takitimu Drive interchange under construction, looking towards Tauranga/Mount Maunganui. Photo / supplied

The Takitimu North Link Stage 1 project reached a significant milestone this construction season – passing the halfway point and making momentous progress across the 6.8km site.

There are several active sites on this major infrastructure project, and while much of this is away from the travelling public's view, road users should look out for three main worksites impacting local roads: State Highway 2 (SH2)/Fifteenth Ave, State Highway 29 (SH29) Takitimu Drive Toll Rd, and Minden Rd, Te Puna.

At the eastern end of the project, work will soon begin at the on-ramp connecting SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Rd to SH2, heading to Fifteenth Avenue. This small section of SH29 will be closed for three weeks from Monday, March 24 while crews extend two culverts, relocate services and complete earthworks before road widening starts.

While this work is underway, traffic detours are via SH2 Elizabeth Street Roundabout, Eleventh Avenue and Cameron Rd.

The SH2-15th Ave offramp closure map.
The SH2-15th Ave offramp closure map.

The SH29 closure is part of major works to build the connection from SH2/Fifteenth Avenue to SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Road which also includes building a 120m long retaining wall and single lane bridge connection. Piling for the bridge will be underway this month for about three months.

Work at SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Rd and Minden, Te Puna, continues where the major interchanges at each end of the project are being built. Look out for a night closure on SH29, they’re coming up on Sunday, April 13 for barrier installation, and ongoing traffic management in both these areas.

Come along to the Takitimu North Link community open day to find out more about current construction progress and the latest news on the rest of the project between Tauranga and Te Puna. We look forward to seeing you there. Download open day flyer and location map

When: Saturday, March 29 between 10.30am and 1.30pm.

Where: Bethlehem Hall, 239 State Highway 2, Bethlehem, Tauranga.

Bay of Plenty


From Monday, March 24, the on-ramp connecting SH29/Takitimu Dr Toll Rd to SH2, heading up to Fifteenth Ave will be closed for three weeks. Works to extend two culverts, relocate services and complete earthworks before road widening to two lanes will be undertaken as part of the Takitimu North Link Stage 1 project. Between Monday, March 24 and Sunday, April 13 traffic will be detoured via SH2 to Elizabeth St Roundabout, via Eleventh Ave and Cameron Rd.


Western Bay of Plenty

Lane shifts are in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Expect minor delays especially during peak times. More information




Eastern Bay of Plenty



SH1 between Tūrangi and Waiouru: SH1 between Tūrangi and Waiouru, including the Desert Rd, remains under traffic management, including temporary speed limits, in some areas. Weather has impacted sweeping and line marking the full section. Road users should be mindful of loose chip and drive to the sign posted speed limit, leaving a good following distance from the car in front. There will be further works required to finish the final surface on the Desert Rd later in the year. This work will, wherever possible, be done at night. The scheduling is still being worked through for when this final surfacing will be done.

SH1 Putāruru to Lichfield: SH1 is closed from SH1/Princes St, Putāruru to Vosper Rd/SH1 Lichfield intersection until early April for Rd rebuilding from Domain Rd to Pinedale Rd. There will also be some night work under stop/go in mid-April for the final surfacing of the road rebuilds completed last year between Vospers Rd and Rollett Rd.

All north and southbound vehicles are being detoured 24/7. The local detour for light vehicles (all vehicles you can drive on a regular car/Class 1 licence) is:

Northbound via Vospers Rd, Kells Lane, Lichfield Rd, Golf St, Arapuni St, Princes St.

Southbound via Princes St, Arapuni St, Grey St, Lichfield Rd, Vospers Rd. The detour adds about 15 minutes and 18.5km to journeys.

The detour for heavy vehicles is via SH30/SH5. There is a temporary speed limit on the detour route at Putāruru of 70km/h and 30km/h speed limit past Lichfield School.

The detour for light vehicles (all vehicles you can drive on a regular car/Class 1 licence) is:


East Waikato

Eastbound traffic SH26, proceed on SH26, turn left onto No 7 Rd, turn left onto No 2 Rd and proceed towards SH27 where the detour ends.

Westbound traffic on SH26, proceed on SH26, turn right onto Murray Rd, turn right onto Horrell Rd, proceed on Horrell Rd towards SH27 where the detour ends.

Northbound traffic on SH27, turn left onto SH26, turn right onto Murray Rd, turn right onto Horrell Rd, proceed on Horrell Rd and proceed towards SH27 where the detour ends.

Southbound traffic on SH27, turn left onto No 2 Rd, turn right onto No 7 Rd, proceed on No 7 Rd, and proceed towards SH26 where the detour ends.


Central Waikato

West Waikato


North Waikato


Manawatū -Whanganui


Tairāwhiti Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay



The above information is accurate at the time of release. Many of the above works are dependent on a number of factors, particularly weather, and may be postponed at short notice. For up-to-date information on road works, traffic, detours and delays, motorists are encouraged to visit the NZTA Journey Planner website (journeys.nzta.govt.nz). NZTA thanks motorists for their patience while we complete this essential work to keep the state highway network safe, accessible and resilient.



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