9:43:15 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Rotorua students served single bread roll

Some students at Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai were served a single "barbecue bun" for lunch. Photo / Supplied to RNZ

Students at a kura in Rotorua were served a single bread roll for lunch on Thursday.

Co-principal of Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai, Renata Curtis, said Thursday’s lunch was a “barbecue bun”, with a limited amount of yoghurt pouches and apples that didn’t cover all the students at the kura.

“The additions only go to some of the juniors so there is not enough yoghurts or apples for the senior classes, so the seniors just get the bread, just got the bun,” she said.

Curtis said most of the schools in the region are served by the same company and therefore have the same menu.

“So some days are better than other days, but we get a fright when it’s a really bad day. They get a stale, frozen, hard, crumbly bun.”

Curtis said under the last Government’s school lunch programme, Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai was served by a company based in Rotorua.

Because the company was based locally, it would often visit the school to collect feedback and could change its menu based on that feedback, she said.

But now that school lunches are handled at a national level, it is difficult to decipher who is in charge and the kura is left with questions about who they can turn to in efforts to improve the kai, she said.

“The company that delivers our food is different to the company that makes the food, so if the deliveries are late we reach out to the company that’s sending the food from Tauranga over to Rotorua but they’re not the same people that make the food.”

Curtis said because they don’t know where the food is coming from, they have no idea how it is made or what is in it.

“So even looking at it, it’s unappealing, the kids won’t even try it some days because it just looks like slop.”

Because the food is unappealing, a lot of students aren’t eating it – so rather than saving money with a revamped school lunch scheme, the Government is losing money because there’s so much waste, Curtis said.

“Ehara pea kei roto i te ringaringa o te kamupene ake te nui o ngā hapa, ko te hapa ka timata i te kāwanatanga i te mea nā rātau te whakatau ka toru tara te utu o te kai.”

“Perhaps the majority of the fault isn’t with the companies, the fault starts with the Government because they decided to cut costs to $3 per meal.”

In a statement, a School Lunch Collective spokesperson said Thursday’s barbecue beef and barbecue vegetable buns have been a popular menu item in Ka Ora Ka Ako for several years.

“They meet the agreed nutritional guidelines. To ensure the buns are served at the optimal eating temperature, we sent instructions to schools advising they remove the lids from the delivery boxes about an hour before lunch.”


Better than ntg

Posted on 24-03-2025 08:31 | By Saul

If parents don't like it make em a sandwich to take,unbelievable

Oh well.......

Posted on 24-03-2025 08:58 | By groutby

.....these stories are tend to be getting more extreme each day.....to the point of being tedious to some....
Time to do one of two things IMO.... fund the schools themselves to develop and prepare lunches for those genuinely in need or maybe subsidise the cost of 'hot' meals.....or (shock and horror) expect parents and caregivers to indeed be parents and provide suitable lunches to whatever standard is expected for individual child needs....surely then more time can be spent on quality teaching for the poorly attending children that actually go to school regularly, which is another problem which needs addressing....but I guess that is David Seymours fault as well eh?


Posted on 24-03-2025 10:44 | By Yadick

That's more than their parents gave them for lunch . . . just saying.


Posted on 24-03-2025 10:59 | By Let's get real

Providing school lunches started in 2019 to entangle more households in dependency on the state. Why do it yourself, when the government will do it..?
The mantra of the left is "make the rich pr**ks pay".... Who are they... And if we continue to treat everyone as a dependant, where are they going to come from in the future..?
We are constantly making excuses for useless New Zealanders.
The schools could enlist the help of parents to help make sandwiches and use it as a learning experience for kids as well, one class a week throughout the term.
There are so many self-help options available.
Less dependency on the state... Less Labour/Green votes maybe..?
Teach people to become the "rich pr**ks", don't keep making excuses for them.


Posted on 24-03-2025 13:03 | By glass1/2 full

Couldn't agree more with you groutby !!! Have kids FEED THEM


Posted on 24-03-2025 14:34 | By This Guy

Man, imagine if Jesus had stood up and instead of feeding the 5000 he just lectured people on personal responsibility. "Feeding hungry kids" should be a no-brainer, but there are still a bunch of people who think kids should starve as extra punishment for being born into poverty (because they seem to get off on being cruel) Research shows that kids learn better when they are not hungry, so again it's a no-brainer to just make sure ALL kids are getting fed - let's not forget this system was working fine until it was sabotaged by David

@ By This Guy......

Posted on 24-03-2025 23:03 | By groutby

.....you are kidding right?....if Jesus actually did feed the 5000 (which due to early social media exaggerations was probably closer to 500)...then perhaps we can take five loaves and two fish(es) into each school and recreate this miracle on a daily basis...not to mention that perhaps there is a serious concern that the daily choices will be severely impeded and whether or not the bread is dairy and gluten free!!...and please do not mention fish and Hindu children...it simply won't work!...
No one, NO ONE has a problem will providing kids in genuine need of a suitable and nutritious lunch, but when it comes to the sheer ongoing nuttiness of those complaining about the 'free' food provided, then it is time to reconsider....

Food for thought

Posted on 25-03-2025 11:55 | By k Smith

Provide some food you will feed someone for a day.
Teach them how to fish, hunt, work, be resourceful, be responsible for your children you will
know how to feed your family for a lifetime.

The Government, Tax payer, councils are not responsible for your children, you are.


Posted on 25-03-2025 14:38 | By This Guy

The point is Jesus had the power to feed the people, and he just did it, because it was the right thing to do. The government has the power to feed the children and they should do it because it's the right thing to do (and was just fine before the program was sabotaged) I only used Jesus as an example because our PM (and a lot of right-wingers) claim to be a Christian despite wanting kids to go hungry and the downtrodden to punished for simply existing...

@k Smith

Posted on 25-03-2025 14:47 | By This Guy

Another one of those old sayings that doesn't really make sense... You can teach someone to fish AND feed them one, the two are not mutually exclusive! and that person will learn to fish better when they've got food in their stomach because as I said, it's been proven that people learn better when they are not hungry. I don't have kids, but I am very happy with my taxes going to pay for schools/teachers and for them to feed all the children who attend healthy meals.

@ By This Guy

Posted on 25-03-2025 20:35 | By k Smith

This old saying makes perfect sense as I have done this myself for many years, fishing, not so much hunting any more but I grow lots of vegetables put in fruit trees and I have surplus which is give to my family, neighbours and friends, sometimes we exchange. My nephew is doing what I have been doing, following in my footsteps, he has two well fed kids not relying on school lunches, he sometime gives me fish. I know many people who do this. There are community gardens and I see many schools now teaching kids to grow veggies. I went to a country school in the 60-70s we had an orchard of fruit trees where we shared the fruit. Don't be lazy NZ has the most food for a country in the world. I can make a healthy burger for $5


Posted on 26-03-2025 13:30 | By GeoffL

It looks like a yummy Hot Cross Bun .... raisins on the top?

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