Freedom camping rules relaxed

Freedom campers in Tauranga could soon have the choice of parking in 28 of the city's reserves and parks as city council looks to loosen the rules.

Councillors decided this week to release a draft bylaw for public consultation allowing up to 90 motor homes to park overnight in city reserves.

Palm Beach Plaza manager David Hill is welcoming freedom campers into the carpark of the shopping centre.

It is a big departure from the Freedom Camping Bylaw's original intention to allow overnight stays by fully contained mobile homes in only five council reserves, on just the Tauranga side of the city.

The numbers of mobile homes permitted on any night in the reserves are limited according to space and ease of access, but overall it means on any given night there can be up to 90 mobile homes parked up.

Councillor Larry Baldock says they are envisaging the use of mainly campervans of up to 3.5 tonnes, 'which can do just about everything a car can do.”

Councillors also discussed how long freedom campers can stay on any one reserve. In the original proposal three nights a month was rejected in favour of two – and whether this will be consecutive, or any two nights in a calendar month.

Campers will not be able to stay overnight in The Mall in Pilot Bay but can in coastal reserves at Harrisons Cut, Motiti Reserve, Omanu Beach Reserve, Papamoa Domain, Stella Plae and Taylor Reserve.

Shopping centre car parks will also be available to freedom campers, and Palm Beach Plaza manager David Hill says all will be welcome at the Papamoa shopping centre.

'We welcome them,” says David. 'Apparently during the summer it's quite popular, we have eight to ten a night.”

David has confirmed an invitation with the NZ Motor Caravan Association, which has placed the plaza on its list of mobile home friendly overnighting spots.

'It's free. Do all your shopping here - the toilets are cleaned every hour.

'I can't see any downsides to it, I really can't. I've just shifted here from Richmond Mall in Nelson and the Nelson City and Tasman District Councils were very opposed to freedom camping.”

It's all good news for David, who says mobile home owners will not only be customers, but also act as after hours security.

'It's only ever been good for shopping centres I have been involved in. They don't even have to be fully self-contained, because the toilets are open until 10pm and again from 6am in the morning.”


The rules seem relaxed anyway

Posted on 15-05-2013 18:03 | By The Sage

The sign in Ferguson Park, in Matua, states the mobile homes must be self-contained and a maximum of three overnight. Tonight, Wednesday, there are seven, last night 5. I have counted 14 on one occasion. They aren't all self contained. You get the odd car or combi van with back packers.


Posted on 15-05-2013 18:15 | By Grant Nordick

As a resident who lived on a reserve for year, I wasn't paying thousands in rates to have the adjoining reserve turned into a bloody campground. You'll get lots of 'car campers', etc as the rules open up - what a mistake!


Posted on 15-05-2013 19:03 | By NZgirl

I bet there will be people who will use the car parks as toilets. Just what I want when I go shopping

Posted on 15-05-2013 23:21 | By whatsinaname

those rules should be obeyed Sage. then it will be fair to evey one.............. must be self contained and only the number allowed.

a slap in the face for our ratepayers

Posted on 16-05-2013 10:27 | By Phailed1

Murray Guy seemed to be all in favour of this freedom camping business in Sunlive a few months ago and now it looks like at least the majority of councillors are in favour. I think reserves are firstly for local ratepayers to enjoy as natural an environment as possible with trees, grass and beach. They aren't campgrounds. So now it looks like your self-contained freedom camper can bowl up to any reserve and set up. I don't buy the spin about how much they spend on other things. I feel sorry for anyone with a motel or hostel or even campground (though the main one is council owned) trying to compete with this and make enough to live on and pay their rates?? Freedom campers who want a freebie can already stay at Palm Beach shopping centre where they are welcome, even without a built in toilet. When this new proposal gets out of hand phone every councillor who is in favour and get them along to sort out the mess.


Posted on 16-05-2013 13:20 | By S.Reynolds

We are a popular holiday destination lighten up people .Live and let live....

Camp grounds

Posted on 16-05-2013 13:28 | By lpm67

...arent an attractive option for two reasons 1) over priced (most of them) and 2) disgusting (ever been to the one on the north side of Te Puke...its dirty, rundown and fill of nasties).

The problem

Posted on 16-05-2013 20:31 | By The Master

Mostly self contained/serviced vehicles are fine, the Combie vans and cars are something else due to the nature of the occupants and the defacation that has to go somewhere.

IF supermarkets and shopping malls want these bludgers let them accommodate them............

Posted on 17-05-2013 08:26 | By ROCCO

Good spread available @ Tauranga Central, Bayfair, Fraser Cove, Papamoa Plaza and Bethlehem.Let these areas be despoiled 9pm to 8am daily by the wanderers -Oh sorry I forgot these traveling souls will want primo areas on or next to the beaches breakfast in bed and newspapers delivered all for free.Well its got that ring about it.

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