Sculptures to make a move

The tall human sculptures in the middle of The Strand are moving on this month to become part of the Sculpture Walk at the Garden and Artfest.

This sculpture is relocating from The Strand to be part of the Sculpture Walk at the Garden and Artfest.

The Garden and Artfest will take place from Monday, November 8 to Sunday November 14 at The Lakes, Tauriko.

The event will feature the work of 42 national sculptors with a diverse range of outdoor work ranging from table top pieces to works up to five metres tall.

Among them will be ‘The Exchange' works of artist Robert Onnes.

Robert created the pieces based on an understanding face-to-face between two women, inspired by his partner Helen, and a Maori friend, Hana.

He used an organic steel alloy called Corten which evolves in colour with exposure to the elements.

All sculptures at the Garden and Artfest will be on sale.


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