23:31:29 Monday 31 March 2025

The season of loud music and noisy parties

Summer parties are the biggest generator of noise complaints the Tauranga City Council has to deal with.

While it is peak season for parties there are still people, often several houses away from the merriment, who have to work the next day.

People partying. Photo: file.

Noise complaints during the last two summer periods have been fairly steady, Tauranga City Council figures show.

From December 20, 2013 to January 10, 2014, security guards were called out to 642 noise complaints, and served 76 Excessive Noise Direction notices.

The year before people didn't party so hard. For the period Dec 20 2012 – Jan 10 2013 the council received 580 calls, and 72 END's were served.

'The most common complaint relates to amplified music,” says the Tauranga City Council team leader environmental health, Darrienne Daubney.

'Most noise complaints in our community involve neighbours playing loud music or having noisy parties.

'If you're planning a party or like playing music, here are a few hints that may prevent your neighbours from making a noise complaint about you.”

Tell the neighbours about the party well in advance and give them some idea what time it is likely to finish. You could even invite them.

Keep the music equipment inside and close doors and windows where possible to prevent noise escaping.

Turn down the bass or subwoofer on your stereo – it is often the pounding rather than the volume which disturbs people.

Keep any party guests inside and ask them to keep their noise down when arriving and leaving.

Keep your radio close to you while working or relaxing on your property.

Any person can make a complaint about noise which they judge to be unreasonable or excessive, simply by phoning 0800 116 803 or 07 577 7000 at any time of the day or night. Complainants' details are kept confidential. The complaint is handled by a security company contracted to the Council. It is a 24 hour service.

The city council requires two separate complaints about a specific noise source before a noise control officer is despatched. If noise is deemed to be excessive the enforcement officer will issue an excessive noise direction.

This notice requires the noise to be reduced immediately and is effective for a period of 72 hours.

If more complaints are received and the noise level hasn't reduced within the 72 hour period after an excessive noise direction has been issued, an enforcement officer, accompanied by a police officer, can enter the premises and remove whatever is making the noise, or render it inoperable.

In the Western Bay of Plenty District Council area also receive more noise complaints because of the influx of people at holiday spots.

'Generally our patrols take a pragmatic and educational approach where possible,” says WBOPDC Team Leader Compliance, Graeme Troy.

'We also ask people to be considerate of their neighbours and talk to them about any plans they have which may affect their neighbours.”

Noise complaints over Dec 2012 numbered 48, 45 received at night, three during the day. In January 2013 there were 22 evening noise complaints

1 comment

Tauranga council are the most useless at enforcement!

Posted on 27-12-2014 08:54 | By jed

RMA says.."326 Meaning of excessive noise - any noise under human control and of such a nature as to unreasonably interfere with the peace, comfort, and convenience of any person ". And.."Without limiting subsection (1), excessive noise may include noise emitted by a person or group of persons". However, our council noise control are above the law and say the law does not cover 'people noise', yet the RMA clearly states that it DOES.In the last 8 weeks the neighbouring tenants and their many visitors have been boozing, shouting and screaming nearly every fri/sat night until late into the night yet council refuse to admit people noise is covered by the RMA or do anything about it. . This is council refusing to address issues relating to intensification and our councillors and council employees are a disgrace!!We have no rights to a quiet night.

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