DMS is avocado season-ready!

DMS lead engineer Chase Jarrett, left, and Te Puna site manager Laurie Jarrett. Photo: David Hall.

Well-known Bay of Plenty orchard management and post-harvest company DMS Progrowers Limited has extensively upgraded its Te Puna packhouse’s avocado facilities – ready for 2024’s export season. 

DMS chief executive officer Derek Masters says the company – with kiwifruit and avocado packhouses in Te Puna and Te Puke – has invested significantly in its kiwifruit packing facilities in recent years – now it’s avocados’ turn. 

“We’re proud to announce our DMS Te Puna packhouse has a brand new, purpose-built avocado soft bin tipping system from MAF Roda is connected in-line to a custom-built water blaster machine feeding the large 10-lane camera grading and packing line,” says Derek. 

“This was recently commissioned and is ready for the 2024 avocado export season.” 

DMS is one of the largest avocado packing companies in the Bay of Plenty, having more than 375 growers in its avocado portfolio supported by a dedicated client services team led by Hamish McKain. 

After 2023’s season it became evident the packhouse’s old avocado processing line was not fit for future purpose. Derek says existing off-the-shelf options were considered but it was determined a purpose-built bin tip from MAF Roda, ex-France, was the best soft bin tipping option going forward.  

“A water blaster machine in the market that suited our needs was hard to find and revealed that to get what DMS needed we’d have to build our own – for it to be fit-for-purpose for future years. DMS engineers were engaged with the ambitious project of ‘let’s build our own’. 

Timing was also critical – as equipment needed to be ready for 2024’s export season. “This week we see the first of DMS 2024 export crop to be packed through the new line.” 

Derek says: “I have to acknowledge the new avocado line was only achieved by the combined efforts of the DMS Engineering team led by Chase Jarrett and Mark Thomas from Kiwi Tech who have done an outstanding job collaborating, designing and building an in-house custom-built water blaster.  

“We’re very pleased with the recent commissioning results from Assure Quality. These results are industry leading and exceeds export quality standards.”  

DMS lead engineer Chase Jarrett. Photo: David Hall.

DMS avocado business manager Hamish McKain says: “This dedicated infeed line increases packing capacity by 40 per cent, whilst achieving export quality standards without need for high pressure water blasting”.  

“Export certification by Assure Quality was achieved at a lower water pressure than industry standard, which certainly helps with reducing the lenticel skin damage often associated with high pressure water blasting. We are pleased with this result. 

“This provides confidence to our growers that DMS is looking after their avocados through the packing process. This will also provide assurance to our exporter AVOCO that DMS is ready to meet the everchanging export market quality standards.” 

With avocado growers experiencing a tough few years Derek says the new equipment is part of DMS’ contribution and commitment to a positive future. 

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