Matatoki locals urged to conserve water

The Matatoki Stream. Photo: Google Maps.

Matatoki locals are being asked to conserve as much water as possible as the Matatoki Stream - the main source of water for the village - is running very low.

Water Services Manager Ian Smith says the Thames South reservoir is not refilling and the Thames-Coromandel District Council can't take any more water from the stream.

Currently a hose and sprinkler ban is in force in Matatoki and council is warning locals that if they're not vigilant there is a possibility that some consumers may lose their supply.

'We're at our maximum capacity in terms of water take currently and conservation is the only option until it rains. It's critical that people conserve what little water we have.”

All of the Thames South water supplies are under permanent water use restrictions currently, and along with the hose and sprinkler ban in Matatoki there is also a sprinkler ban only in Puriri and Omahu.

A sprinkler ban only is also in force in Tairua, Pauanui, Hahei and Whangamata, but hand-held hoses may be used at any time.

While in Whitianga, Matarangi, Coromandel Town, Thames and Onemana there are currently no water restrictions.


Because of the Coromandel's rugged geography, the district's water comes from a variety of natural sources, including streams and bores, explains council.

'These sources supply us not only with drinking water but water for firefighting. Please conserve this precious resource,” says the Thames-Coromandel District Council.

  • Wait until you can do full loads before you wash dishes or use the washing machine
  • Don't run the water when brushing your teeth
  • For cool drinking water, fill a jug and keep it in the fridge
  • Running water to cool it down can waste 10 litres a minute
  • For lawns, apply the ‘step test' – if grass springs back after you walk on it, it doesn't need watering
  • Please do not water the garden in the heat of the day; early morning or evening is better
  • If your toilet has a dual flush button, use the half flush
  • Fix any leaks or dripping taps
  • Please do not fill swimming pools


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