Reductions in Tauranga bus services

File Image/SunLive.

Changes have been made to a number of Tauranga bus services amid the COVID-19 lockdown.

A statement issued by Bay of Plenty Regional Council says these reductions came into effect on Wednesday

The Gold Line route, which runs between Mount Maunganui and Papamoa, has been cancelled.

Other currently operating routes will run as per normal the weekend timetable, but majority will now stop running at 6pm.

'The Hospital Link will continue to run the full weekend timetable,” says the statement.

These changes are expected to remain in place until Sunday, April 26.


cost effective

Posted on 16-04-2020 10:45 | By hapukafin

On the days I go to the hospital I see many buses on the road,many without a pax in them.Why arent they running 10seaters which would be a fraction of the cost.


Posted on 16-04-2020 11:14 | By old trucker

There is NO NEED for running every 2 min,. up and down Cameron Rd AND OUT To Matua late at night,around and around all day looking for someone to pick up this is STUPID,AGREE with hapukafin im on your side, this is so SILLY at this time,imagine the THOUSANDS OF LITRES OF DIESEL a day this would save and pollution,did you see TCC is thinking about putting DOUBLE DECKER BUSES ON,for crying outloud,the World has changed now,even if people could USE UBER Instead of buses,Bus Co,. wont take any notice as NZTA and Council are paying which is OUR MONEY,DAA,im not sure if anyone CARES,it does not make scense to me, i miss having Coffee each day with me old mates to have a chinwag etc,when this is over we will catch up,anyway Sunlive thanks for keeping upto date News when you can AWESOME Thankyou,10-4 out,phew.


Posted on 16-04-2020 11:31 | By dumbkof2

hapukafin I wondered that too but when i asked the transport councilor he said they were no cheaper. i can't see how when you take ruc into account plus less diesel smaller motors therefore less maintenance costs

Bleeding our rates

Posted on 16-04-2020 11:32 | By Johnney

Hapukafin you will be accused of being sensible stating the obvious. Will Regional Council release the figures and costs of this service or are they too ashamed and embarrassed. Can SunLive please investigate this in the interest of us bleeding ratepayers.


Posted on 16-04-2020 12:46 | By Mommatum

That just about sums it up for me as I read this collection of whinges about buses. For those like me without cars public transport is our means of getting around. if empty buses offend you be part of the solution and use them. That would also be better for the environment. As to your collective concern about rates we all pay for things we don’t use. In my case that includes Baypark, swimming pools and TECT arena, but unlike you I don’t begrudge those who do. So accept that buses are here to stay and that not everything is about you.

not taking away service

Posted on 16-04-2020 14:28 | By hapukafin

Mommatum ,I am referrring mainly during this lock down period.Then again,when I have caught the odd bus to the CBD or from there to the Mount there is no more than 10 on board.

Make it permanent

Posted on 16-04-2020 16:58 | By Slim Shady

Pointless. Empty. Too many. Too costly. Like the Beehive.


Posted on 17-04-2020 09:03 | By Yadick

I think you took the comments the wrong way. Read them again. People aren't saying to take the service away but rather to replace with more economically efficient vehicles. I totally agree with Hapukafin and Old Trucker. We definitely without doubt need the service as you so aptly say but it needs to be financially sound. When did you last see a full bus (like the good old days). So many buses running around empty or only 1 or 2 people and now during lockdown . . . Imagine a nice coach style mini bus. Great stuff.

Empty buses

Posted on 20-04-2020 12:59 | By Captain Hottie

I don't get why there are still so many buses rolling around, when people are not using them to go anywhere, workers are using their cars as they can now find parking and there is no gridlock and their timetables don't suit shift workers. And are they going to places people need to go, or just into town like they always do? I live in Welcome Bay, the bus goes past Countdown Tauranga, but this is now shut so if I needed to do shopping via bus it would be a long walk, or a long wait. Maybe better to have shuttles to the local supermarkets instead and decrease the 'full fat' bus schedules.

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