Tauranga Council review team to cost $350k

Tauranga City Council appointed a chair of the newly established Review and Observer team during a public excluded portion of today’s council meeting. File photo.

A Review and Observer Team to keep an eye on Tauranga City Councillors is expected to cost around $350,000.

Council agreed to appoint an observer team on August 21, in an effort to resolve ongoing elected member relationship issues.

The decision followed an emergency meeting to discuss the report from the Department of Internal Affairs. Read more here.

At a meeting in Tauranga City Council Chambers today, Peter Winder was appointed as chair of the newly established Review and Observer Team.

Chief Executive Marty Grenfell says Winder's appointment was confirmed unanimously in a public-excluded section of today's council meeting, where the terms of reference and financial implications of the Review and Observer Team were considered.

'Mr Winder brings significant local government experience to the Review and Observer chair role, including serving as both the former Crown-appointed Commissioner and the Crown Manager of the Kaipara District Council until the last local elections.

'He is also a former chief executive of the Auckland Regional Council and Local Government New Zealand; and is currently Chairman of both the Manukau Institute of Technology and Unitec, a member of the State Services Commission Risk and Audit Committee, and a member of the Council of the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.”

Grenfell says four other candidates with the required experience have been identified and Winder will select up to two members he believes will contribute to an effective, multi-skilled team.

The role of the Review and Observer Team is to provide support, guidance and assistance to ensure that council elected members can work together as a governing body; have the capability and knowledge to make decisions effectively; and can address any behaviours which might impact on its decision-making on behalf of the city.

It will also investigate and report on the nature, extent and causes of governance performance issues; monitor and report on progress to the council and chief executive; and set out measures of success and an action plan to achieve those measures.

The first report will be submitted 4-6 weeks after the team is constituted, following which, the Council will consider the need to continue the review and observation process.

Expected costs for the 2020/21 financial year will be up to $350,000, including Review and Observer Team member remuneration, governance executive remuneration, legal costs and any measuring and monitoring tools required.


Money well spent!

Posted on 02-09-2020 12:10 | By The Professor

This may well be money well spent IF it sorts that circus full of clowns out. TCC are an absolute disgrace and their incompetent costs ratepayers millions.

Where do money come from?

Posted on 02-09-2020 12:18 | By gincat

Question for all elected members. Where the hick does money come from? From a money tree in ratepayers gardens perhaps. $350k beggars belief in this economic climate. The honorable solution for ratepayers---- resignations.But egos over ride this.

Tom Ranger

Posted on 02-09-2020 12:23 | By Tom Ranger


Sack the lot of them

Posted on 02-09-2020 12:35 | By Fernhill22

What a complete waste of money, it would have been cheaper to sack the lot of them and to start again. We need a positive proactive council & Mayor that actually have a bold vision to make Tauranga a destination that people want to live and work in & travel to. Rectify the failed projects from the last few years first & gaining the public's trust. Start to transform & redevelop the CBD, utilise our amazing waterfront down town to create piers onto the waterfront with shops & restaurants and a place for people to come down to. Invest in our Train network or a Monorail to provide alternative means of transport. Stop wasting ratepayers money on consultants as well as paying extortionate fees to contractors for overinflated work which is sub standard. Someone needs to be looking into where all this money is being wasted.

You're Kidding

Posted on 02-09-2020 12:47 | By sensible

"The role of local authorities is to lead and represent their communities. They must engage with their communities and encourage community participation in decision-making, while considering the needs of people currently living in communities and those who will live there in the future." There is no place for councillors bickering amongst each other. I would expect the councillors to personally meet the $350,000 cost for their inability to focus on their job.


Posted on 02-09-2020 12:47 | By morepork

That we must pay for the puerile and petty bad behavior of our elected representatives, so they can be "watched". It's more like a creche than a Council. They have really put the limelight on Tauranga in the most disgraceful way, to the point where Government action has had to be taken. I can't believe that 10B is still there (if it were me I would have slunk away months ago) and he is not the only culpable one. If there were any remaining shreds of decency or dignity, they'd offer a public apology and resign. Roll on Civic elections.

Make them pay

Posted on 02-09-2020 14:25 | By FRANKS

Sensible is correct. Councillors must be made to pay the costs themselves........they caused the shambles !!!!!

It’s a lot of money, but

Posted on 02-09-2020 14:49 | By waiknot

Clearly we have no choice but to send in a watchdog to find who the trouble makers are.


Posted on 02-09-2020 15:04 | By Slim Shady

They have no shame. Zero integrity. It is criminal enough that they waste my money on stupid projects and inept stuff ups. Now they waste more of MY money because they behave like spoilt brats and need babysitters. JUST RESIGN.


Posted on 02-09-2020 15:16 | By nerak

We the ratepayers should not be paying for this. Starting with the mayor, and including all others cited in this debacle, the money should come out of their own pockets. Fair go TCC, get your act together, all those involved resign immediately and let us poor hapless ratepayers try yet again to have a council worthy of us. Damn all of you responsible for thieving from my shrinking wallet.


Posted on 02-09-2020 15:40 | By Tom Ranger

Amazing isn't it that one of the first thing's done was a councilor remuneration adjustment. Simply astonishing. We should all defund them until they learn how to handle money properly.

@ Fernhill22

Posted on 02-09-2020 16:08 | By Yadick

I love your vision. A monorail would be AMAZING and bring so many benefits. You list many great idea's.

Understandable reaction

Posted on 02-09-2020 16:18 | By Kancho

The letters are all an understandable reaction . May be cheaper in the long run to bring forward an election . I'm sorry I don't believe it's all Tenby's fault alone as this council has factions and personal agenda galore it seems. Remember the grandstanding on side line issues instead of core business . I vote we should get rid of them all and vote down on those who have factionalized and pontificated ad nauseum on wishful thinking of what they think we want rather than what Tauranga should priority of core business .

Just imagine......

Posted on 02-09-2020 19:11 | By groutby

.....if this was a regular happening in many (or even most) workplaces, business would grind to a halt and risk being financially crippled by such action.....oh, yeah that's right, this one is...

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