Truckies urged to take road safety seriously

Police are asking truck drivers not to be complacent when they are behind the wheel of a heavy motor vehicle. File photo.

'When we're dealing with large, heavy vehicles traveling at speed, the potential for harm is frightening, and drivers can't afford to get complacent.”

This is the message from Sergeant Steve Murray, who is reminding truck drivers of the importance of road safety.

'It's also important to remember trucks have a reduced speed limit of 90 km/hr on the open road.

'Drivers need to make sure they get a good night's sleep, take regular breaks, check their speed, and wear seatbelts.”

Steve says fatigued drivers' reactions are much slower, their ability to concentrate is reduced, and it takes longer to interpret and understand the traffic situation.

'We know fatigue is a common factor in crashes that cause serious injury and sometimes death.

'Police want drivers, especially those behind the wheel of a truck, to remember their responsibility to themselves and everyone else on the road to drive alert and distraction free.”

Steve says getting into a heavy motor vehicle does not suddenly make you exempt from rules like wearing seatbelts.

'We all know wearing your seatbelt means you are less likely to be seriously injured or killed in a crash, so please make it click.”

In one incident near Napier last week, a truck was reported to be swerving across the road and involved in several near misses.

Police stopped the vehicle and the driver blew an Excess Breath Alcohol reading of over 900 micrograms.

The limit for drivers over 20-years-old is 250, says Steve.

'There is one key message for drivers: if you drink alcohol, don't drive. It's that simple.

'The Easter period is coming up, there will be more traffic on the roads and even more reason to ensure we take extra care with our driving and do not take any unnecessary risks.

'All drivers should expect to be stopped by police at any time.

'We want to see everybody taking their safety and the safety of other motorists seriously, to help ensure everyone arrives alive.”


Another patronising message.

Posted on 14-04-2022 12:38 | By The Professor

Another patronizing message from the Police. Truck drivers are skilled in what they do and I am 100% sure they take road safety seriously. I am sure you won't find a truck driver 'testing' an escape lane!!

@ The Professor

Posted on 15-04-2022 21:40 | By groutby

....I agree, the reading of the article seems to be focussed on heavy vehicles but refers also to all vehicles drivers, so unclear messaging yet again....I find the professional 'real' truckies are usually more than competent and very skillful in their art....

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