Children behind shopping centre burglary - police

Police have referred the children to Youth Aid. File photo.

Police are shocked after four children, one as young as seven, were caught attempting to steal from a Hamilton shopping centre overnight.

Multiple alarm activations alerted police to the break-in at Chartwell at around 1am.

Staff arrived to find the four children, aged seven, 10, 11 and 12 years old, at the scene holding stolen toys and other goods, says Inspector Andrea McBeth.

The 11-year-old ran off after seeing police, however staff chose not to follow him and stayed with the other three remaining youths.

In his attempt to flee the boy has fallen about 8m to the ground injuring his arm, says Andrea.

Police staff found him shortly after and provided immediate first aid. The child was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

The children have been referred to Youth Aid Services and will be followed up by our youth engagement teams.

"It is important to note that resolving this type of youth offending is an issue that does not fall solely on police," says Andrea.

"This is a social and community issue and parents have a responsibility to know where their children are and to ensure they are safe.

"We need our communities to work alongside us and partner agencies to support and steer young people down a better path."

Waikato Police have set up a dedicated team to investigate this type of offending, and there is a detective investigating the full circumstances of this matter in particular.

"Police is available if businesses would like to get in touch about any queries relating to this type of offending.

"We understand the distress it can cause, we hear your frustrations, and we can help to provide advice on protecting your business.

"We also encourage all members of the public to report suspicious activity immediately via 111, as this can help us to respond in a timely manner and hold all offenders to account."


Arrest the Parents!

Posted on 28-04-2022 15:07 | By TheCameltoeKid

This is purely a result of bad parents. My understanding of the law is that any child under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian. So, if thes little miscreants think that they can offend and get away with it then think again. I read recently that National Party leader Chris Luxon wants to put the afore said miscreants into bookcase. EXCELLENT IDEA. Far better than Labour's policy of blaming business owners and taxing them just for being in business. These parents need to pay back the money that been stolen and the damaged caused. Only then will we see all of this crop stop. Bring back corporal punishment I say.

Thank Sue Bradford

Posted on 28-04-2022 16:31 | By Lauren's Nanna

Well they took the rights away from parents to discipline the kids which you can thank Sue Bradford for, therefore kids are no longer learning boundaries because decent parents are too scared to discipline the kids and the kids know it so society is paying the price, but we already knew that. They have no regard for authority or respect for peoples property let alone empathy

Gangs behind this

Posted on 28-04-2022 17:11 | By jed

"My understanding of the law is that any child under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian." Then, how do kids get to school and back?

Gangs behind this

Posted on 28-04-2022 17:11 | By jed

"My understanding of the law is that any child under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian." Then, how do kids get to school and back?

Kids out of Control

Posted on 29-04-2022 06:02 | By Thats Nice

Agree with Laurens Nana. A smack on the bottom didn't damage me but taught me to behave - as simple as that. Its not abuse and you will always get those that do abuse which is a totally different thing. Some people really shouldn't be allowed to have children as they are completely irresponsible and not able to parent.......obviously.


Posted on 30-04-2022 12:43 | By Slim Shady

They don't go to school. 40+ % of Kiwi kids regularly skip school. Which is startling, but I guess it explains a lot. And who can blame them - nothing to be gained as Labour, courtesy of the minority of hard working, will just provide you with all you need in life for free. And there will be no consequence to law breaking. Wet bus tickets a plenty.

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