Parliament occupation: Police seek assistance

Photos released by NZ Police of people involved in the final day of the occupation of Parliament grounds earlier in 2022. Photos: NZ Police.

Police investigating criminal activity on the final day of the occupation at Parliament grounds earlier this year are continuing to appeal for the public's help to identify people.

"To date, the investigation phase for the final day has led to 16 prosecutions and one person has been referred to Youth Services," says a police spokesperson.

"This is in addition to other prosecution activity throughout the occupation period.

Police are looking to identify the eight people pictured, seven of these images have been previously published."

Photo: Supplied.

"We are nearing the conclusion of this phase in the investigation and urge anyone with information to get in touch with Police."

Photos: Supplied.

If you recognise anyone from these images, please provide information to Police by calling Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 or online via and reference Op Convoy with the relevant photo number.

1 comment


Posted on 02-08-2022 15:16 | By morepork

Does anyone really care about that demonstration now that it's long gone? We had enough information to realize there were mistakes on both sides and hope that lessons were learned on both sides. Unless some really serious crimes were committed (and we are given no clues by the article...) I can't see anyone going to the trouble of dobbing any of these people in. It goes against Kiwi culture to "inform" on others, and is mostly reserved for cases of serious crime against people and children, when it would be negligent NOT to do so. Maybe there should be an amnesty and everybody can let it go.

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