A section of Cameron Road in Tauranga will be reduced to one-way traffic this weekend to install the traffic signal ducting for a new pedestrian crossing.
The work, between 15th Ave and 17th Ave, is part of the Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa project and takes effect from 6am, Saturday, July 8, to 6am, Monday, July 10.
This work was postponed from the weekend of June 23-24 due to a heavy rain watch.
Initially, southbound traffic will be diverted along 15th Ave, Fraser Street and 17th Ave, says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson.
"As work progresses across Cameron Road, the southbound lanes will re-open and northbound traffic will be diverted along 17th Ave, Fraser Street and 15th Ave.
"Local residents will still have vehicle access. Pedestrian and cyclist access, and access to businesses in the area will be maintained at all times; please follow the directional signage.
"Buses will also follow the detours and bus stops within the 15th Ave to 17th Ave closure area will be marked as closed."
Council says this work is weather dependent and if not completed this weekend, will continue on the weekend of Saturday, July 28, with the same detours in place.
For more information about the Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa project, including road closures, visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/cameronroad
One Lane
Posted on 07-07-2023 18:56 | By Dancer
Well I hope they get something done, as every time I have driven Cameron Rd, about 6 workers standing around and doing nothing. Come back later and same situation. Please get on with it.
Building Our Nightmare!
Posted on 07-07-2023 22:15 | By Mommatum
“Building Our Future?” I wonder who came up with that as a name for this project? In fact it is anything but. Once again the general public will be inconvenienced, with businesses and bus stops closed off. As to “allowing”. local residents vehicle access how very big of TCC. I imagine these people only live or work there. How dare they? In fact how dare any of us expect Cameron Road to ever be normal. I imagine our grandchildren may but certainly not in our lifetime. Building our future what a joke, Why not rename it how it actually is? Building our Nightmare?
Never seen such a laggard roading project
Posted on 08-07-2023 09:51 | By jed
These Cameron Road works have been dragging on for 3 years now? What do they have to show for it? A few cosmetic changes, they replaced an underground pipe. There really should be some kind of government inquiry into this, it is quite unbelievable!
Re-work Cameron RD
Posted on 08-07-2023 11:17 | By Brian P Porter
It's very odd that you see 1 or 2 workers in a group of 4 or 5 to actually one or two doing and sort of work. It's a case of the checker checking the other checkers. Or looking what they will have to dig up again in few weeks time.
Amen, Mommatum!
Posted on 08-07-2023 14:50 | By morepork
The "future" they envision has no basis in reality. In their pipe-dream, people will walk and cycle to the amazing $300 million (at the moment) CBD, where there will be all kinds of diversions and attractions, and a Civic building where the administration can look over the harbour and survey their wondrous works. Meanwhile, the rest of us sit in traffic queues and fume and stress about how it ever got this crazy... As one of the local residents being "allowed" access to my own property while this "work" endlessly continues, I count myself lucky not to be one of the local businesses. It truly is a heartbreak to see the stress and disruption that people who have served the community for years are being subjected to. The implementation of this project is nothing short of shameful.
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