Finances: Proposed delay in WBOP council projects

Council aims to strike balance between transport infrastructure and rates. File Photo.

Some Western Bay cycleway, walkway, gravel road seal extensions, public transport infrastructure and minor road improvements could be delayed, to help reduce the financial impact on ratepayers.

This is one of the proposals in Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034, which is open for consultation until June 17.

“We still want to carry out these projects for our communities but we’re proposing we take a little longer to get everything done,” says Western Bay of Plenty District Council transportation director Calum McLean.

Maintaining roads is one of the biggest areas of spend annually, and costs have increased significantly over the past three years, says Calum.

According to Local Government New Zealand, materials to build and maintain our roads are around 27 per cent more expensive than they were three years ago.

“Over the past three years, we have undertaken significant investment in our walkways and cycleways network, however, the new government has signalled it will spend more on road maintenance and less on walkways and cycleways, so we also need to factor this in,” says Calum.

“We have looked at where we are less likely to receive New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi subsidies and where we could pause from upgrades for a year, use existing reserves or reduce investment and slow the timing of delivery.”

Spending less on specific roading, cycleway and walkway projects is factored into a proposed 13.6 per cent rates increase for the District next year.

The other option is to continue with the roading, cycleway and walkway schedule of works set out in the previous Long Term Plan 2021-2031, which would result in both a 13.6 per cent rates increase, plus an average increase per property of $79.62.

“We want to continue to improve our infrastructure without putting too much financial pressure on people. We think our preferred option strikes a balance of moving forward and managing the cost to our communities without compromising on safety,” says Calum.

“But we also want to know what you think. We encourage everyone to get involved and have their say in helping to shape the District’s future.”

How to put yourself in the picture

  • Online l wānanga ipurangi:
  • Hard copy l pepa mārō: Grab a feedback form at any of our Library and Service Centres in Waihī Beach, Katikati, Ōmokoroa, Te Puke or to the main Council Office at Barkes Corner, Greerton.
  • In person l ā kanohi: Come talk to us at one of our community events.
  • Email l īmēra: Email with the subject line 'LTP Submission'. Include your full name and address.
  • Present your views: This is an opportunity to provide your feedback to councillors in Council Chambers on Wednesday 26 June. Please email by Monday 17 June 2024 to secure a timeslot. We will be in touch with a time for you.

1 comment

Not in Tauranga

Posted on 06-06-2024 08:10 | By an_alias

Our lot have the fab 4 YES to anything you wont in charge. Oh your rates are down this year, just ignore that they have gone up way above every other council for the last 3 years.
Arent we just amazing, probably should get a bonus aye

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