Wanted: Professional playdough squeezer! 

Abby Haycock with children Dylan Haycock, aged 12 months, Bryn Haycock, 3, need a new facilitator for their Oropi Playgroup. Photo: John Borren. 

It’s possibly the world’s most desirable role, yet it’s proving tough to fill. Oropi Playgroup needs a new facilitator whose job would involve organising fun, imaginative activities for pre-schoolers and their caregivers. 

“It’s just 10 hours a week, so would possibly suit someone who’s semi-retired,” says Oropi Playgroup co-president Abby Haycock.

“We have all the resources; puzzles, games and a big outdoor space. We need someone who wants to spend time creating opportunities for the kids to learn, play and socialise.” 

One of the longest-serving facilitators retired several years ago after more than 30 years at play.

“Brenda would come along with pastry and stewed apples for the kids to make apple turnovers for morning tea,” says Abby.

“It was really special. She genuinely had the kids’ interests at heart and we’re hoping to find someone who enjoyed the role as much as she did.”  

Abby says it’s quite a niche role with the limited hours.

“I think that’s why it’s so hard to find the right person. It would suit someone with experience in an early education role who’s keen to hang out with kids and their parents.”  

For more information about the facilitator role at Oropi Playgroup, email: oropiplaygroup@gmail.com 


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