Mother appeals for safe return of children

Cat, the children’s mother, has chosen to add her voice to the Police appeal for the safe return of her children. Photo: Supplied.

It has now been one week since the offer of reward was announced for information leading to the safe return of Ember, Maverick and Jayda Phillips.

"It was also Jayda’s birthday, as she turns 11 on June 18, 2024," says Acting Detective Inspector Andrew Saunders.

Andrew says Cat, the children’s mother, has chosen to add her voice to the Police appeal for the safe return of her children.

Her video statement can be fbe watched below.

"Catcontinues to request privacy, but she didn’t want this milestone to pass without having her voice heard," says Inspector Saunders.

The children have been missing since December 12 2021, when they were taken by their father, Tom Phillips, to a location unknown but thought to be in Western Waikato within Marokopa or the surrounding areas.

"During the week since this phase of the operation began we’ve had over 100 new reports of information on the subject of the missing people, via phonecall, email and personal approaches offering information," says Inspector Saunders.

"We’re continuing to assess the information and conduct follow-up enquiries.

"As a result of our enquiries we have identified 40 reports that we think are worthy of consideration and which are now being investigated further.

"We cannot provide details while the investigation is ongoing, but we are committed to getting a result as soon as possible."

While Marokopa continues to be a focus for the ongoing investigation, enquiries are being carried-out in surrounding areas including Honikiwi and Otorohanga.

"We're appealing for anyone who has observed suspicious behaviour in these areas in recent months to please contact Police," says Inspector Saunders.

"Our message hasn’t changed: we continue to urge anyone with credible, current information that will lead to location and safe return of Ember, Maverick and Jayda to the right thing and tell Police what you know."

Alternatively, you can email the dedicated email address or contact Police on 105 or online at clicking ‘Update Report’ and referencing file number 211218/5611.



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