Tauranga mayoral race: John Robson

John Robson is running for mayor and in the Bethlehem Ward. Supplied photo.

In July, Tauranga will choose who will be running their city for the first time in five years. A mayor and nine councillors will replace the four-person commission that has been in place since February 2021.

To keep people informed ahead of the election on July 20, Local Democracy Reporting asked the 15 mayoral candidates their thoughts on four topics.

Before voting opens on June 29 readers will hear from each of the mayoral candidates.

John Robson is running for mayor and in the Bethlehem Ward, where he lives.

He has lived in Tauranga since 2003.

He and his partner raised their two sons here, sadly, his youngest passed away last year at the age of 19.

Before returning to New Zealand in 2000, Robson was a management consultant for 12 years.

Now in his 60s, Robson retired at 40 and then was elected to Tauranga City Council in 2013, serving a term.

He won a by-election in 2018 and was re-elected in 2019, serving until February 2021 when the council was discharged of its duties and replaced with the commission.

“The skills of a successful management consultant are an almost perfect match for those required to be an effective mayor or councillor,” he says.

Tauranga is the least affordable city in New Zealand because of an infrastructure and housing deficit. How would you address this?

“Housing ‘affordability’ is not unique to Tauranga. It’s caused by successive Governments providing insufficient social housing, fiscal and monetary settings favouring land banking and property ‘investment’ and lax immigration settings.

“The resultant high housing prices, combined with Tauranga’s lower household incomes, challenging topography, and attractiveness as a place to live, result in our ‘unaffordability’ ranking.

“That said, Tauranga should prioritise housing-critical infrastructure and fix its flawed development contribution regime.

“These won’t make a significant difference, but they will demonstrate to central government that we are serious about the issue and will share growth costs more equitably.”

What would you do to keep young adults in Tauranga and attract others to the city?

“Tauranga is a regional centre of more than 160,000 residents. From a New Zealand Inc. perspective, the most important thing about Tauranga is our port.

“It is natural for some of our young people to seek experiences and opportunities that our city can’t provide, both in New Zealand and around the world – indeed, I would encourage them to do so.

“That said, we are growing, and if we manage our growth successfully, and deliver an attractive and affordable city, then some of our young adults will return, and we will attract others. My position: Don’t panic, the ‘young adult’ sky is not falling.”

Tauranga will have its first Māori Ward this election. The Government plans to require councils to hold a binding referendum on Māori wards established after March 2021. This means the Te Awanui Māori ward could only be in place for one term. Given the change in Government policy, is it important for Tauranga to keep this ward?

“No. One councillor elected by Māori on the Māori roll cannot speak for all Māori, yet may be assumed, or even claim, to do so.

“More challenging is the oath every councillor must swear on taking office requires them to put the interests of the city ahead of the interests of their ward.

“I believe there are better mechanisms for ensuring the voices of Māori are heard at the council table and play a role in the decision making as required by the Local Government Act.

“Starting with electing all councillors ‘at large’ using single transferable voting and engaging more effectively with Te Rangapu.”

[Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Partnership is an autonomous body made up of 17 representatives from each of the hapū and iwi in the Tauranga City Council area.]

Hypothetically, if Tauranga won the lotto and there was no budget what big ticket item would you want for the city? Excluding infrastructure, like roads and water, more housing etc.

“Lotto wins range from $4m to the largest ever being $44m. My point, even in ‘Lotto World,’ there is a ‘budget’.

“So, key criteria for me are ‘bang for buck’ and avoiding significant ongoing costs to the community after the spending ‘sugar-rush’ wears off – something the commission, and some current candidates, clearly give no thought to.

“For Tauranga, I would spread the love, and accelerate the greening of the Kopurererua Valley, endow a ‘Democracy Tauranga’ trust to keep residents accurately informed about the performance of Tauranga City Council, and associated entities now and into the future.”

LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.


Incoming Spanner

Posted on 26-06-2024 08:08 | By Yadick

Well that just threw a spanner in the works for me. My vote was going to Jos Nagels thus far but now John Robson has come thru with some great answers especially on Maori Wards and Lotto. The Lotto question, (although I see where they're going with it) has always been a ridiculous, wasted question IMO as we don't live in a fantasy world and no city any where in the world has money to throw around. However, John has answered this question very well and cleverly turned a money management card (or in morepork's term, 'OPM' card) clearly face up.
Can anyone throw more light on his past performance with TCC?

No way

Posted on 26-06-2024 09:06 | By peanuts9

To me, John Robson is forever linked with the attempt coups, & attempts to dislodge an elected mayor. This shows an arrogance & a complete disregard for the residents who voted. The vitriol, misinformation etc. has continued up to the present day.
Also, his idea of all councillors being at large would, I'll warrant, leave sections of the city completely ignored. This has happened in the past as some areas have been seen as full of undesirables.
As you can probably surmise, that's a definite NO from me.


Posted on 26-06-2024 09:26 | By Equality

Unfortunately John's good ideas re ratepayers money have been out voted by the previous councils he has been on. Good on him for sitting again - he has great perserverance - wishing him all the best this time.

The Best

Posted on 26-06-2024 09:42 | By Accountable

John Robson is the top man for the job of mayor and councilor. He has an outstanding knowledge of the operations and intricacies of the running of this large organization. I believe he has attended almost every council meeting open to the public for a number or years and is up to date with all the happenings. There will be no stones left unturned and he will not need any training to get up to speed immediately. John Robson is well worth your vote.

Another option

Posted on 26-06-2024 11:53 | By Equalr

Another candidate who rightly believes in equality regardless of ethnicity. That's a great start. Unlike Drysdale and a fair few others

A good candidate.

Posted on 26-06-2024 12:17 | By morepork

"The skills of a successful management consultant are an almost perfect match for those required to be an effective mayor or councillor,” he says. As I worked for around 25 years as a management consultant, mainly in Europe, I have to agree with him... :-) But I'm sure he knows there is more to being Mayor (or a Councillor) than just financial competence and understanding processes. I liked what he said about Maori Wards, but I have a few reservations on what he said about housing. He wasn't clear about WHERE the housing should be, and implementing a policy to try and impress government is risky at best. The Lotto answer did not suggest a public poll of priorities, but he did suggest we should be protecting our Democracy, and that would mean more transparency from Council. Overall, I liked John, but he has not displaced my current favourite.

He has

Posted on 26-06-2024 13:48 | By Shadow1

a good reputation. He was a part of the team that was dismissed by Mahuta, but you shouldn’t hold that against him, no matter what Anne Tilley says (rather insultingly) about the old guys. She will be lucky to have an intact reputation when she leaves.
Team John with Tim Maltby in the new council and they will be unbeatable.

Well said

Posted on 26-06-2024 14:08 | By spencerb

Intelligent comments from a well-informed candidate. Totally agree with there being no Māori wards and I like the suggestion that all councillors be elected on an 'at large' basis. Past performance as a councillor was sound, particularly his opposition to the gifting of the ratepayer owned Mission St property to a Māori Trust. I enjoyed your informative meeting about the long-term planning proposals.

Good Luck John

Posted on 26-06-2024 14:49 | By Mein Fuhrer

A sound common sense voice for the ratepayers.

Only ego

Posted on 26-06-2024 21:07 | By Informed

John is only here for one thing. And that’s his ego.
- Can’t work in a team
- Can’t come up with ideas - only trash others
- Can’t listen to others
- Doesn’t respect presenters
- Doesn’t respect staff

And the one dissenting voice is...

Posted on 27-06-2024 12:56 | By morepork

... our old friend and regular here, Informed. Who has shown on so many occasions that "informed" is the LAST adjective which should be applied to him/her. Informed's antipathy to John Robson made me stop and review Robson again. He has picked up even more points in my book, simply because Informed doesn't like him... :-)


Posted on 27-06-2024 20:49 | By nerak

exactly what are you informed about? Strikes me it's something to do with the art of pessimism (many of that word's similies would fit you too. But, if you are so informed, I guess you are running for mayor?

Dissenting voice

Posted on 28-06-2024 17:21 | By MikeJW

Having worked with John over many years, I can attest to his understanding of situations, but to create a team, no way. He is very polarising, always knows best and his way is the only way. I would never vote for him as Mayor, or as a Councillor, due to the disruption and disharmony he created in several past Councils.

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