Know how to spot the signs of elder abuse

About one in 10 older individuals may experience elder abuse. Photo: supplied.

Age Concern New Zealand is urging everyone to spot and address the pervasive issue of elder abuse, which is often concealed behind closed doors.

“Elder abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person,” says Age Concern NZ chief executive Karen Billings-Jensen.

“We see examples of elder abuse every day across our Age Concern network. I know people are spotting signs in their families and communities too, but might not be sure if it is elder abuse, or know what to do to help.”

Karen says elder abuse encompasses a wide range of behaviours, from financial abuse to physical harm.

“Anything from secretly using mum’s debit card to buy their own groceries, staying in dad’s house without paying their way, to bargaining and restricting visits with grandchildren if they don’t get money.

“We also see more serious cases where the abuse is physical or doing things like restricting medication or over medicating, all putting older peoples’ health at risk.”

Shocking statistics reveal approximately one in 10 older individuals may experience elder abuse, often perpetrated by family members.

Karen says the consequences of elder abuse are profound, ranging from reduced financial security, lower self-confidence and self-esteem, physical injuries, harming of social relationships to long-term psychological trauma.

“Abuse of older people can lead to long-term psychological consequences, increased risk of early aged care admission, serious physical injuries, use of emergency services, hospitalisation, and even early death.

Age Concern NZ calls upon all of us to speak out against elder abuse. “If you have a gut feeling something is not right or just an inkling someone is being abused, we want you to talk to us,” says Karen.

For more information on recognising the signs and addressing elder abuse, visit or contact your local Age Concern on freephone 0800 65 2 105 or call the Elder Abuse Helpline on 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65).


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