Arataki bus hub upgrade in the works

Render of the upgraded Arataki bus hub.

Community calls for a safer environment is resulting in the Arataki bus hub getting a upgrade.

With more than 40,000 bus passengers a month, Arataki is the second busiest bus hub in our city, says a statement from Tauranga City Council.

New well-lit, high-capacity shelters featuring decorative cultural elements from local hapū will be installed on each side of the road, along with increased wayfinding signage and information boards, says a council spokesperson.

"Other improvements include more streetlights and new CCTV monitoring, open seating, bike parking, rubbish bins, and landscaping.

"These upgrades will provide a friendlier welcome to Arataki, making bus travel more user-friendly and improving safety during transit."

Council says improved pedestrian crossings, wider footpaths, and a new shared user path will make access safer and easier alongside the new pedestrian crossings on Girven Road, Maranui Street, and Oceanbeach Road.

Construction will begin on Monday, August 5, and is expected to be completed in October 2024.

To keep disruption to a minimum, council says works will take place from 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, with some noise and vibration to be expected during these times.

"As part of efforts to alleviate traffic congestion and improve the flow of pedestrian and vehicle movement in the area, Bay of Plenty Regional Council has committed to minimising layovers on surrounding streets and utilising a repurposed bus stop along Girven Road."

Traffic management

Traffic on Farm Street will be reduced to one-way only with entry from Taupo Avenue, with access to Bayfair Shopping Centre maintained at all times.

Closing one lane will allow the contractor to complete the works in less time, says council.

"Existing bus shelters and footpaths within the work site on Farm Street will be closed during construction and a temporary pedestrian pathway will be installed.

"The Farm Street bus stops and shelters will be moved 80 metres towards Concord Avenue. Stops and routes will be clearly signposted, and traffic controllers will be available to help bus patrons during working hours."

For project updates and to learn more, please visit

Image: Tauranga City Council.


Give us some real stats

Posted on 26-07-2024 08:48 | By an_alias

How about let us know how many seats are available for your "40k" a month value.
Come on, be honest for once in your lives

The Master

Posted on 26-07-2024 13:12 | By Ian Stevenson

40,000 passengers a month?

Really? Most buses you see lumbering around the streets are empty most times of the day? When bus watching... endless buses have, if lucky one person/passenger besides the driver... .

You know the "MONSTER" size buses taking up so much space on the roads, a hazard, massive CO2 emitters... no passengers?

What do you need a "Bus Hub" for when a once a day mini van visit would sort it all in one?

The Master

Posted on 26-07-2024 13:14 | By Ian Stevenson

The picture looks like another multi-million spend up by TCC?

Self justified, endless consultants and extremely dubious basis to start... sounds like the perfect mess for TCC to be donkey deep in 24/7!

Regional council disinterest

Posted on 26-07-2024 13:24 | By michael

Posted article sounds great and my compliments for satisfactory completion.
Unfortunately my five attempts to request a new bus stop in Grenada street continues to be ignored ,the only reply from the regional authority being the standard email acceptance response with no follow up.I am a supporter of the excellent bus service and any effort to increase patronage is a positive move but it appears that for some reason there appears to a lack of interest within the Tauranga region.


Posted on 26-07-2024 18:07 | By Informed

You got to love the comments from people that clearly never leave their homes.
I walk past the bus stop most days and ever seat is full.

By Informed

Posted on 27-07-2024 14:36 | By Yadick

I agree. I pass the bus stops most days and they're often full . . . with drunks, rubbish and homeless people.
Very few bus patrons and certainly never enough to warrant a great big bus.
Give us mini buses thereby cutting the costs and giving a much more pleasant trip.


Posted on 29-07-2024 22:17 | By All4it

Attempting to drown out the negative responses from the small-mind-small-ideas club.

Swapping buses for minivans.. really?

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