Greerton cracking down on antisocial behaviour

Chadwick Road, Greerton. Photo: John Borren.

Greerton Village is cracking down on its alcohol-free area policy and anti-social behaviour by reminding citizens to always report incidents to the Police and Tauranga City Council.

“We can all work together to make our beautiful village a space for everyone,” says Greerton Mainstreet manager Mahia Martelli.

Tauranga City Council’s Alcohol Control Bylaw came into force in 2018, with Greerton Village designated as a permanent alcohol-free area.

This means no-one is allowed to drink alcohol in the public area generally bordered by Pooles Rd, Hayes Ave, Cornwall St, and Mitchell St.

This also includes Liston Park, the Greerton Library grounds and an area known as the Greerton Village Green, and Greerton Primary School.

“If you see anyone drinking in public, or being intimidating or aggressive, please report it to the local police. Together, let’s make Greerton great.”

Greerton Village Green outside Greerton Library. Photo: John Borren.

Under section 147 of the Local Government Act 2002, the police enforce alcohol-free areas.

The only exception applies to alcohol containers that remain unopened in the alcohol-free area; for example, if the alcohol has been purchased and is being transported to a home in the alcohol-free area.

Incidents that may happen can involve a range of antisocial behaviour from swearing and intimidation, through to more serious aggression, violent threats and theft.

People are also encouraged to report any tagging and graffiti in Greerton to Tauranga City Council by phone, email or the Antenno app.

Intimidating, aggressive or anti-social behaviour? Call NZ Police on 105, if it has already happened, or 111 if it is happening now.

Concerned for someone’s wellbeing? Call Tauranga City Council Contact Centre on 07 577 7000.



Posted on 29-07-2024 10:08 | By Howbradseesit

Sounds good in theory but what sort of response times are the police indicating they will provide ha ha ha ha

The Master

Posted on 29-07-2024 16:17 | By Ian Stevenson

@ Howbradseesit

Spot on there, if NZ Police are going to be issued with an updated and new set of "Wet bus tickets" then don't expect any change soon.

If instead it heads towards the Singapore scenario, where all crims are afraid of jail (In New Zealand jails a like hotels... with free crim training provided) then that would help a lot.... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!


Posted on 30-07-2024 13:20 | By Duegatti

We've just returned from holiday in southern Italy. In the entire time we did not see a drunk, no fights, not even when Italy lost to Spain.
You could walk down dark alleys without fear.
Yet, you could buy all kinds of alcohol at gas stations, mini marts, burger joints and various grocery stores.
What the hell is wrong in NZ?
Is demonising drink making it more attractive?
Are parents not teaching kids that alcohol is nothing special, that getting legless, or beaten to a pulp, or being sexually assaulted is not a rite of passage?
It's getting worse here despite the wowsers and their nonsensical laws.

Getting worse

Posted on 30-07-2024 19:51 | By Human0056

Today I saw two seperate incidents in Greerton on my 10 minute walk to get some lunch. A couple of guys intimidating and threatening people on the walk to the supermarket and then stealing bottles of wine and pushing ladies on their way out. Followed by a drunken lady swearing at people passing by on my way back. Really feels like the police need new tools to be able to make any change, too many think they're hard done by and deserve to act this way.

@ Duegatti

Posted on 30-07-2024 21:54 | By Yadick

Excellent comment.
New Zealand is way OTT PC. Our law makers are too worried about offending criminals than protecting our country. Our Judges are weak and over focused on PC'ness crap. Our Police bust their guts and for what?


Posted on 31-07-2024 15:13 | By Barney Rubble

I'm keen to see more programmes and judicial intervention in respect of the lawlessness, drug use and violence.
My whanau have owned commercial
properties in the Greerton centre since 1975 , we have watched the moral decline and social

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