10:03:50 Friday 28 March 2025

Hard work paying off for Tauranga dancer

Aaliyah trains at Tauranga studio Dance Avenue. Photo / David Hall

Tauranga dancer Aaliyah Hunt has claimed an international title at her most recent competition, fast-forwarding her dream to becoming a professional dancer.

The 13-year-old, from Dance Avenue in Tauranga, qualified for the international competition at an Auckland event.

She then went to Australia’s Gold Coast in January to compete at Evolution Dance Nationals where she faced 32 dancers in her gala, hungry for the top spot.

Tauranga dancer Aaliyah Hunt with her awards from the Evolution Dance Nationals event on the Gold Coast, Australia. Photo / David Hall
Tauranga dancer Aaliyah Hunt with her awards from the Evolution Dance Nationals event on the Gold Coast, Australia. Photo / David Hall

“You had to make it to the top three to get through and if you made it to the top three, then you got to go to the final gala to win it,” said Aaliyah’s mum, Jenny Hunt. “Which is what Aaliyah did and won.”

“It felt really good because I trained and worked really hard,” said Aaliyah. “Being able to win feels like all my hard work had paid off.”

Aaliyah has been dancing since she was 3 and aims to become a professional dancer to perform on cruise ships so she can travel the world. Photo / David Hall
Aaliyah has been dancing since she was 3 and aims to become a professional dancer to perform on cruise ships so she can travel the world. Photo / David Hall

Cruise ships

Aaliyah enjoyed the opportunity to compete against dancers from around the world. “Everybody was really nice and it was quite a hyped-up competition with high energy and loud music.”

Her prize for winning the competition is an all-expenses-paid trip back to the Gold Coast for the Aussie Dance Tour, from April 9-12.

Aaliyah performing in the finals at the Evolution Dance Nationals event in Australia. Photo / Supplied
Aaliyah performing in the finals at the Evolution Dance Nationals event in Australia. Photo / Supplied

Aaliyah will spend three days participating in dance workshops with famous dancers from throughout Australia.

Dancing since she was 3, Aaliyah has been training hard to achieve her dream of becoming a professional dancer and hopes to dance on cruise ships.


She focuses heavily on technique to ensure every routine she performs is as perfect as she can get it.

Aaliyah trains at her studio, Dance Avenue, for two or three hours on Fridays on top of jazz, lyrical, contemporary and musical theatre classes.

Aaliyah will be flown to the Gold Coast, all expenses paid, to spend three days participating in dance workshops with famous dancers from Australia. Photo / David Hall
Aaliyah will be flown to the Gold Coast, all expenses paid, to spend three days participating in dance workshops with famous dancers from Australia. Photo / David Hall

She said her teachers had always believed in her and encouraged her through her journey so far.

“They help me with all of my technique and strength in all of my dances.”

Ashley York is Aaliyah’s duo partner and the pair have always placed either first or second at every competition they’ve entered.

Aaliyah performing her duo with Ashley York at the Evolution Dance Nationals event in Australia. Photo / Supplied
Aaliyah performing her duo with Ashley York at the Evolution Dance Nationals event in Australia. Photo / Supplied

Every waking minute

Aaliyah competes at competitions around the country. Last year she placed in the top three at the national competition in Christchurch, allowing her to qualify for the Australian competition. This is her “favourite achievement yet”.

Aaliyah becomes a finalist performing at the Evolution Dance Nationals event in Australia. Photo / Supplied
Aaliyah becomes a finalist performing at the Evolution Dance Nationals event in Australia. Photo / Supplied

She also represents her school at competitions like Dance NZ Made, a national contest involving schools nationwide.

Last year she placed first in the Year 8 category and third overall from categories age Year 7 to Year 13.

Mum Jenny said Aaliyah spent every waking minute dancing and often she found her dancing in her room. “She’s very self-motivated and very determined. She loves to be challenged. The bigger the challenge, the more she commits herself to it.”

“I know that all of my hard work I do will pay off in the end,” said Aaliyah.


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