Tauranga City Council has pulled the plug on plans for a $28 million waterfront walkway as it projects a 12.5% rates increase this year.
Mayor Mahe Drysdale told a meeting on Monday the council’s budget is a “ceiling ... not a target”.
A majority of the council voted to stop all work on Te Hononga ki Te Awanui Memorial Park to Elizabeth Recreation Connection, with applause heard from a handful of people in the public gallery.
The meeting heard there was no budget to complete it in the long-term plan.
The walkway - previously known as Memorial Park to The Strand - had been discussed for about 20 years, but limited progress had been made.
Stage 1 - which included a rail underpass and new boardwalk from the city centre to Elizabeth St - was complete but not stage 2, which would extend the boardwalk to Memorial Park.
It had met opposition from private landowners along the harbour’s edge with riparian rights, a council report said.
Tauranga Mayor Mahe Drysdale is keen to reduce costs. Photo / Alisha Evans
The estimated cost of $28m for 800m of walkway did not deliver value for money, Drysdale.
The council, elected in July to replace Government-appointed commissioners, discussed their first draft annual plan.
Staff were given guidelines for the draft, which would be brought back to councillors next week.
The council approved a “baseline budget” that would achieve a maximum overall rates increase of 12.5% for 2025.
Drysdale said the council had removed $29m from its operating budget to achieve this.
He said it would be great going forward if every dollar spent was spent wisely.
“A message to our staff if you can deliver it for less and do the same that’s the [goal]. The budget’s not a target, it’s a ceiling.”
Councillors had two-hour discussion about the budget, questioning operating costs including staff salaries and benefits, the use of consultants and cemetery fees.
Deputy mayor Jen Scoular wanted the council to use fewer consultants. Photo / Alisha Evans
Deputy mayor Jen Scoular questioned why consultants were used and costs were not decreasing.
She gave the example of council-run events and said the in-house team was creative and experienced.
Space and places general manager Barbara Dempsey agreed if there was enough work for a fulltime employee, that was “a heck of a lot cheaper than employing consultants”.
For the larger events held once or twice a year, there may not be enough staff or expertise needed to run them, Dempsey said.
“We have tried very hard to reduce consultancies and I can give you assurance that we will continue to try … [and] where there’s a fulltime job for somebody that we will not use consultants.”
Scoular said staff were the council’s biggest assets. The council’s most 2024 Annual Report said it had 1148 full-time equivalent employees.
“One of the best ways to motivate people is to stretch them a little bit,” Scoular said.
“Give them the benefit of doing something that might be a bit outside the expertise, instead of just bringing in consultants.”
She said she would like to see this right across the organisation.
Councillor Marten Rozeboom. Photo / David Hall
The council also agreed to change rates for small businesses based in industrial areas.
It opted to exclude those businesses with a footprint of less than 250m2 from the industrial rating category.
The industrial rate introduced last year meant industrial properties pay 2.6 times more than residential.
Removing smaller properties from the industrial category was in response to feedback about how unaffordable rates had become.
Councillor Marten Rozeboom said he had heard from small businesses who were “driven out” of the Tauriko business estate because of high rates.
Drysdale queried cemetery maintenance costs and chief executive Marty Grenfell said there had been no rates funding for this for the last five years as user fees covered the costs.
“It means those that are dying essentially pay for those that have died.”
The 2025 draft annual plan and user fees will be presented to council for further discussion on March 3.
LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.
A very small start
Posted on 25-02-2025 07:02 | By Kancho
Finally a move towards cutting back on a nice to have projects. Still no where near enough as 12. 5 percent rates rise is still far too much as it's every year but incomes aren't rising nor inflation reducing . There has to be more pruning of council spending. Already the borrowing and spending of the commissioners has left extreme debt repayment pressures . I'm amazed we have 1148 full-time equivalent employees and yet no restructuring proposals. Businesses and government are grasping the nettle so when will council do the same . Obviously the bureaucrats won't challenge operational costs .
We have already had to swallow hefty rate increases on top of services and insurances and already the worst in the country but nowhere near enough cutting yet. The financial stress on ratepayers and therefore rent is a major inflationary actor
Posted on 25-02-2025 07:45 | By davey rich
Good one . Now look around and remove council from other "Nice to have" projects, and stick tom your knitting.
About time.
Posted on 25-02-2025 08:01 | By Kiwimon
We need a NZ DOGE!
They Fiddled while Rome Burns
Posted on 25-02-2025 08:35 | By bigted
An old saying but a good one. 1148 full time staff? If each one each one draws an average in today's income - $80,000 per annum that a whopping 91 Million dollars in wages alone. This figure excludes part-timers or consultant's fees.
In larger organization's like councils, things become less and less efficient as the the scale increases - i.e. more people to look after the person digging the ditch. (health, safety, cultural etc. etc.)
Anecdotally, I hear many council staff have been on the payroll for a very long time. Who would disembark from the gravy train?
A serious look into staffing levels is required.
The days of "shovel leaning" belong in the past.
Posted on 25-02-2025 08:38 | By an_alias
So $500M plus plus plus on GRAND museum that no one will use apart from the poor kids forced to go through school trips.
Rates have increased 10-15% every year since the un-elected ran the show.
The thing the constant is the high paid crew never think its enough.
Do our wages grow 10-15% every single year ?
Disaster waiting to happen and no too far away.
Same Old Same Old
Posted on 25-02-2025 09:19 | By Ttaylor
Good to see a nice to have project canned.
Is that going to stop our rates going up this year by around 12.5%
I honestly thought that this time with a new council and a Mayor who has some accounting skills that budget cuts within an over staffed council would be on the cards. Sadly it looks like I’m wrong and they are taking the easy way out yet again by putting our rates up and then announcing a $28m project cut to make us think in some way they are going well
Fellow rate payers don’t get hoodwinked by these announcements
My TCC Rates alone are $4044 this current year. A 12.5% increase on that is around $550 .
I’m on super so where’s that $550 coming from Mahe ?
Posted on 25-02-2025 10:21 | By rogue
good start, now bin the museum we all said we didn't want in a referrendum a few years back
Posted on 25-02-2025 10:48 | By Let's get real
A twenty year project has finally been scrapped... whoopee.
This is just freeing up funds that will be swallowed in one lump by other empire building projects. How short of funding are we for the fit-out of the council's ivory tower..? Or funding for "ART" installations, current and future..? And let's not even mention the multistorey monument to extravagance and waste currently appearing on Willow Street (how long before we're told we have to rename those roads, I wonder..?)
I doubt that the $28 million "saving" would even pay for mowing the grass, pulling weeds, maintaining playgrounds and boardwalks or buying annual plantings every year. Something that we all ignore when these grandiose plans are hatched in secret.
Our council EMPIRE must be maintained and those ongoing burdens increase every year with the idealistic whims of long term council staffers. Making contractors and consultants very wealthy.
A little prudence at last!
Posted on 25-02-2025 10:51 | By Watchdog
Yes, $28 million for 800 metres walkway work is a bit OTT. Great that Councillors saw a bit of sense at last and canned this job.
So how much did the children's playground on the waterfront cost, I wonder.
For me, the fish and chip shop by the Fishing Boat wharf is the best drawcard!
Posted on 25-02-2025 11:27 | By Snapper435
Twenty eight million for 800 metres who’s ripping who, maybe the council should do a time and motion study on all staff at council to see if everyone is value for money. 12.5% rates increase very hard on the large number of elderly residents to pay huge rates.
rate payer
Posted on 25-02-2025 12:18 | By olemanriver
There is no way 'nimbys' should have defeated a sound proposal to connect memorial park to the strand. It just makes sense - more sense than a museum or expensive city upgrades. Paying unelected representatives a large salary to sit on council and committees was also an indication that this council needs replacement. We are the most beautiful city in NZ, but with the worst governance still.
Posted on 25-02-2025 12:31 | By morepork
Rates are going up 12.5% and the Council found a $29 million saving to do this. But $28 million was from a project that would never go ahead anyway. So where was money REALLY saved? Why couldn't they cap the Rate increase at 10% and find more REAL waste cutting to cover it? Any joy I might have felt when I saw this heading, quicky evaporated when I saw the Rates increase percentage. I can only be neutral about this.
Te Papa resident
Posted on 25-02-2025 12:32 | By olemanriver
Nimbys win again. Local government can be impacted by residents. That walkways/cycle ways do not connect is just more reason for more road congestion. The council has approved many new wasteful projects but this one on hold for budgetary reasons - not.
The Master
Posted on 25-02-2025 12:53 | By Ian Stevenson
Sounds great, but next year TCC staff will find a new pretty picture, relabel it and pretend that it is a new fantastic wonder to behold, then wheel it out to Councilors to approve... until they do approve.
The joke, mess, disaster has been around for decades in many forms, a major event around 10 years ago was that it would cost just $7m but TCC staff already knew that was more like $15m going on to $20+m...
The $28m tab will be a gross understatement, like all TCC costings... the numbers are magically and unimaginably high. Bu t then the actual costs end up vastly worse. No one can explain any of it, this is the TCC way.
The Master
Posted on 25-02-2025 12:58 | By Ian Stevenson
Rate increase of 12.8% this year?
TCC plans on 167% increase over 10 years (2024-2034) and that is without the massive and inevitable cost and budget blowouts that always happen.
167% over 10-years means an average of around 15%/pa accumulative. But TCC debt will increase from $690m to $3.10bn + budget blowouts so say $3.5-4.0bn...
That is 5x to 7x more debt... a basic of TCC is that Rates follows debt, this TCC can not avoid because TCC must maintain a ratio of 280-300% of rates and other income to total debt (Debt ratio). TCC are really good creatively with it all to fabricate the %, but at the end of the day you can not hide from the annual interest costs that have to be paid from rates etc.
Great decision
Posted on 25-02-2025 13:17 | By tia
At long last, some fascial responsibility and Councilors who appear to have the rate-payer interest first. Long may it continue.
Back to school
Posted on 25-02-2025 15:08 | By Duegatti
Councillors need to relearn the three R's.
Roads, rubbish, reticulation.
We seem to be getting only one.
Cost cutting
Posted on 25-02-2025 18:12 | By Fernhill22
Thankfully common sense has prevailed. This would have been one of the most expensive walkways in NZ/ the world if you look at the cost of $28m for just 800m of walkway, which equates to $35,000 per metre!! This is just an obscene amount of money. There must be far better alternatives & options at a fraction of the cost. What the councillors should also be completing first & foremost, is complete cost cutting review of their 1,148 employees and looking to make savings where they can. If we are already at the top of the debt ceiling, then nice to have projects like the civic precinct need to be scaled back & reviewed. Too much money has been wasted with very little to show for the vast expense.
Posted on 25-02-2025 18:20 | By SometimesSad
Sad that a bunch of NIMBYs who have time to show up to the council meetings have apparently swayed this decision. This walk would have made a massive difference to the accessibility of the CBD by walking, scooter, or bike for generations to come. Tauranga council needs to put it's big boy pants on and commit to plans that have long term benefits for the city and avoid rhetoric from those with a short term outlook who are likely to spend less than 25 more years in the city.
Posted on 25-02-2025 18:44 | By Futurefocus
I can understand the cost benefit didn’t stack up for this but please don’t go back to the old ways of not investing in the future of the city. We saw where that got us.
@ an_alias
Posted on 25-02-2025 22:31 | By Yadick
Great comment and so, so right.
Start listening Mahe, your voters are talking loudly.
@ an_alias
Posted on 25-02-2025 22:32 | By Yadick
Great comment and so, so right.
Start listening Mahe, your voters are talking loudly.
@ an_alias
Posted on 25-02-2025 22:32 | By Yadick
Great comment and so, so right.
Start listening Mahe, your voters are talking loudly.
A good start
Posted on 26-02-2025 08:12 | By jurgen
Some good news at last for this city. Now freeze rates for 10 years as that the last time I had a raise that was 1.2%. I have to make due with what I earn so do you.
City of nothing
Posted on 26-02-2025 10:10 | By 2up
Projects like this make a city more vibrant and exciting to live and visit.
For too long Tauranga has been a nothing city.
We have started the water front, and its starting to look great.
Finish the job. It will cost more the longer you leave it.
Short sighted NIMBY'S are not welcome.
Bye Mahe
Posted on 26-02-2025 11:15 | By Ttaylor
Poor effort first year in Mahe
Don’t worry about buying a house in Tauranga cause if there’s not going to be a pullback of rates to around 3% and under to match our current inflation then you’re not getting our household vote next election
Pale, male, stale
Posted on 26-02-2025 15:19 | By Jessie Summer
Lack of diversity at TCC shining bright. So short sighted ...
The trouble
Posted on 26-02-2025 15:26 | By Kancho
The trouble with those who want nice to have spends like this one is similar to what Margret Thatcher said " the trouble is when they run out of spending other people's money " so if those wanting the nice to haves before more essential services can afford 12.5 percent rates probably year on year they are indeed rich and can't speak for all including nimbys who struggle with no or little income increases and certainly not double figures like the council and the over a thousand fulltime staff and contractors and consultants additional. More cut backs needed Mahe
@2up, futurefocus, sometimesSad and olemanriver
Posted on 26-02-2025 15:43 | By Let's get real
Not one of you would be aware or concerned about the safety concerns of residents along this proposed route nor would you concern yourself with the antisocial behaviour associated with and around public walkways, because I WANT IT. No other reason than selfish desire.
It's NOT about nimbyism in many cases, it's pragmatism and family safety concerns. But that doesn't matter a jot if we get a chance to spend other peoples money on our own casual fun options.
Posted on 26-02-2025 16:24 | By Yadick
Sorry I repeated myself. Sorry I repeated myself.
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